Beautiful Attitudes




About The


Acts 1:8

Pentecost Poetry

Forty days plus ten
We are to remember when
Your people became free
From our chains of slavery
Together in wilderness wanderings
God is preparing future kings
40 years of testing and trials
Traversing thousands of miles
From the festival of Passover event
Night to be Much Observed we went
Days of Unleavened Bread no yeast
Keeping these holy days we feast
Fifty days or 7 weeks
We have cucumbers and leeks
Cease complaining Israelites
It is God who wins our fights
Feast of Weeks is Pentecost
No, not one will be lost
God desires all to be saved
As the sheaf offering is waved
Growing His harvest of grain
Perfecting from blemish and stain
The wheat will be gathered in
God's firstfruits have resisted sin
The giving of His Holy Spirit
Of which we desire no limit
Blessed by God's outpouring
Dreaming of Joel 2:28 we sing
Hallelujah our King
Protected under your wing
Praise to the Eternal of life
You are making ready Your wife.

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