Beautiful Attitudes




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Luke 4:24

Prophets From God's People

What or who is a prophet?  Can you tell the difference between a false prophet and a true prophet of God?  Let us examine this fascinating topic of prophecy from the mouths of God’s Prophets...those whom God sends and inspires with His message.

The online dictionary defines a prophet as a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.  Therefore a false prophet does not proclaim the will of God but rather their own will or that of a false god.  Within this article the term prophet and prophetess will be used interchangeably.
Would you recognise a prophet today if you bumped into one?  We would probably surmise that we would, if a false prophet, especially if they are spouting obvious lies like so many do on their self titled TV shows.  How about a true prophet of God sent to warn those in the world?  Remember how Christ was sent to prophesy but the vast majority of mankind did not recognise Him as a Prophet and as the Saviour of the world (Mark 6:4, Acts 3:22-26).  Would you recognise a true prophet of God sent to warn those in His Church who have succumbed to the Laodicean attitude God despises as written in Revelation 3:14-16. Would not God have prophets among us to help those who need inspiration, encouragement, and motivation as well as to warn those half asleep to wake up, for the time is at hand to repent and get serious about preparing for the coming Kingdom of God?  The answer is a resounding YES! 
God can do anything (Matthew 19:26) and He does to ensure that His children hear His message.  The message is there in the Holy Bible for us to read, but how many have become offended, not as teachable as they once were, weary, half asleep or in desperate need of a wakeup call, and require whatever method works to overcome their pride and selfish attitudes?  Enter God’s prophets.  Therefore we read in Acts 2:17-21 where the apostle Peter gives the magnificently stirring sermon under divine inspiration to those present on the day of Pentecost from the words of the Prophet Joel — Peter states that there will be men and women prophesying in the last days to warn all of humanity living in the world before the return of Jesus Christ when His Kingdom will be ushered in (Joel 2:28-32).  Please notice, this is speaking of a time BEFORE the great and awesome Day of the Lord (Acts 2:20, Joel 2:31) .  Not only is this message for all of mankind to repent and change, it is especially profound for the remnant, those called out of the world, His first fruits in the making ready for the first harvest.  These are those who need to be awakened from their warm, hazy slumber in their Laodicean lives and ways where they perceive they are in need of nothing.  They discern they are comfortable and have everything they need, but yet God says they are wretched, blind, naked, miserable and poor in Revelation 3:17-19.
It is a strange thing...human nature.  Without the spiritual dimension of having God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within us one cannot really know how to be a true disciple of Christ.  And yet all those who do have His Helper...the Holy Spirit...can become deceived at any time if not watching and alert to their spiritual state.  Can we also be deceived and blind to the fact that God has prophets amongst us sounding out the alarm to repent and change?  Some may accept male prophets but how about female prophets?  Is that a no go zone?!  To some it may well be.  If God delights in using the weak of the world why not women?  Doesn’t God tend to work this way all throughout the Bible?  God is the champion of widows and orphans.  Unless you have been one you are not able to fully understand how God protects them fiercely by placing a hedge around them (Exodus 22:22-24, Psalm 68:5, Deuteronomy 27:19, Proverbs 15:25).  God delights in using the small, the weak, the despised things without power or influence.  Think of Gideon, think of armies small in numbers defeating hundreds of thousands.  Incongruous you say...but not with God. 
The proof can be read in 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 which tells us that “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.  But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;  and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are”.  That is precisely us brethren.  We are the weak of the world to be used mightily by our Father for His perfect purpose. 
Examples of False Prophets and Prophetesses As A Warning
Nehemiah 6:14 names Noadiah as a false prophetess.  She is implicated along with several others in the evil quest of preventing Nehemiah to seek the well being of the children of Israel in Judah.  But God was with Nehemiah and heard his prayers of repentance so the King approved for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the gates.  This incredible account is illustrated in Nehemiah 3.  Nehemiah had to deal with depression, deception, conspiracy and oppression but despite all of this he prevailed and finished the rebuilding and restoration of Jerusalem because he listened to God and resisted the lies and trickery of Noadiah, Sanballat, Shemaiah, Tobiah and the rest of the [false] prophets who would have made him afraid.  Likewise we have to be vigilant to resist and overcome false prophets in order to stay close to our God.
Another example is found in 1 Kings 13 where we can read about “the message from the man of God” from Judah who was a true prophet.  He was lied to by another prophet (1 Kings 13:18) who is referred to as the old prophet of Bethel.  The Bible does not give us their names.  We do not know if the old prophet was a false prophet because it does not say so, instead we are left to discern whether a true prophet of God would lie and whether this example is important for us to remember we must listen to God and not man, even if somebody with many years of experience say they are from God and urges us to listen to their message, it may be false.  Always, always prove everything for yourself through the scriptures.  If it does not line up directly with scripture then it is false.  Ask for the gift of discernment in order to know God’s will because our human frailties and weaknesses may cause us to lean on our own understanding.  We know our hearts like to justify our actions (Jeremiah 17:9).
God’s Prophets and Prophetesses
We have established that prophets are used by God from within the lowly of those in the world.  When we read the Bible there are many to choose from.  Do you have a favourite?  One of mine is Deborah (Judges 4:4) who lived in the time after the death of Joshua when the people did whatever was right in their own eyes and there was lawlessness in the land.  Her amazing life as a Prophetess and Judge is largely referred to in Judges 4 and 5.  She was a pillar of strength and courageous in the face of adversity when no man was willing to go into battle against Sisera or bold enough to lead the people against their frightening foes.  The war was won that day but only because Deborah listened to God and went up to the battle when Barak would not go without her. God used Deborah mightily as a Judge and Prophet.  Perhaps God will use you too?
There are further scriptures which refer to numerous female prophets.  One is found in Exodus 15:20 where Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron his brother are mentioned.  The next is in 2 Kings 22:14 and 2 Chronicles 34:22 with Huldah spoken about as one of God’s prophets.  A reference is made to a prophet in Isaiah 8:3 with Matthew Henry’s commentary saying this is the wife of Isaiah.  Anna in Luke 2:36 is spoken of as a prophetess of great age.  Another is in Acts 21:8-9 where the apostle Luke writes regarding Philip the evangelist from Caesarea who had not one, but four daughters who were all prophets.  It has been quite interesting to note that there is mention made of several female prophets within these scriptures alone.  Women have an important place in God’s heart and who better to know this than Jesus Christ.  He came to serve others (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45) and women are automatically in this role as they become mothers.
We know that prophets and prophetesses are here today in these modern times because God tells us they are and whether some of us accept this or turn their ears away from their inspired messages, the fact remains they have a work to do.  The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14:3 “But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men”.  Paul writes extensively on this topic of those who prophesy which makes interesting reading in 1 Corinthians 14 — the takeaway here is that Paul desired the edification of the Church through those who truly did the prophetic work from God.  Again I am reminded of Jesus’ words in Mark 6:4 “Then Jesus told them, a prophet is without honour only in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his own household.”  People tend to listen to others who are unfamiliar to them.  Why is that?  Why cannot those in the same village, town, or city take heed and give respect to a prophet from among them?  Familiarity tends to breed contempt as the saying goes.  Jesus hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head with his accurate summation.  What was true then, is still now.  People are the same.  Human nature spans the millenia and the globe no matter when or where people live.
Perhaps this piece has given the reader something to ponder and meditate upon in the lead up to the time when the two witnesses, who are referred to as prophets, will be revealed (Revelation 11:1-6).  Imagine the surprise from some if they are from within our ranks, because they will be from amongst His called out ones, and not only that, comprise a Prophet and Prophetess!  It should not be surprising though to those who are close to God because they will not be focussed on the person so much, but more on their compelling and clear message.  It will be the same message as God’s Word...His message that has been sent to all down through the ages via prophets such as Elijah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and so many others.  We will do well to heed their prophetic message and not get bent out of shape with pride and jealousy or envy, because these two witnesses are lowly, humble, and God fearing.  Many will need to swallow their preconceived ideas of who they should be and accept God’s will.  A real test for some in order to be perfected for use in God’s Kingdom.