Beautiful Attitudes




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For Such A Time As This

Psalm 119:130 Entering Your Words

Some years ago through sermons I heard that others were reading a Proverb a day while some would do this as well as reading from the Psalms.  This seemed very manageable and quite a good idea and so I started reading a Proverb a day.  After several years of this practice, I realised that there were many times when I heard myself saying out loud “I think there is a Proverb about that” when talking to others and when in the process of iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17), as in referring to scripture from the Bible which invariably occurs during our conversations. 
With the demands of early morning work as a shift worker I put off reading anything else such as the Psalms until evening but this did not work out so well as I was asleep quite early with the book falling to the floor — my concentration was poor, and then it didn’t happen until recently.  A conscious decision was made to read from both books of the Bible every morning when my mind is at its best — have always been an “early bird” (early riser) since childhood.  Now, with the added benefit of working from home, there is so much more time and flexibility — not travelling to work adds at least 2-3 hours of time daily to put to good use any way we choose.  As frightening as the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19 is, there are some positives coming out of the way our lives have changed to stop the spread of this virus.  One benefit is more time at home, more time for study, and more time for home baking like my mother and both of my grandmothers did for most of their lives.
My experience so far has been that reading 5 Psalms per day is just right for going through the entire book of Psalms each month.  So the ratio I have come to enjoy is 1:5 for Proverbs and Psalms respectively.  Early days yet, but am hoping that in time, this will be just as beneficial as reading one Proverb per day and that in future I may hear myself saying out loud “There is a perfect Psalm to consider or refer to” on whatever subject is being spoken about — or, be able to refer to a particular Psalm readily for a specific topic in order to edify, comfort or help another spiritual family member.
Let me share with you how God blessed me in making the effort to read more from His most wonderful and inspiring manual for life. My first gem this past month sparkled and twinkled so brightly that it dazzled my eyes and caught my attention immediately.  I held my breath and re-read this scripture marvelling that my eyes had read this numerous times before but had not really noticed or absorbed these words.  I had skimmed over them but no longer, for there they were in all their beauty and finery just waiting to be mulled over, meditated upon, and appreciated by my heart and mind which were wide open to treasure God’s inspiring thoughts.  Wow!  Just wow!  It was truly one of those “Aha” moments to hold onto and store away in the grey matter and draw from whenever the desire came to ponder God’s greatness.  For me, it is like going to a beautiful vessel such as a jewelry box or container lavishly decorated which contains the finest and most breathtakingly of all valuable treasure such as a wedding or engagement ring.  One opens it time and time again in order to remind oneself that the incredible experience of being betrothed to Jesus Christ is most certainly an exciting reality and not just some far off distant dream.
Here is the passage which illuminated my morning on that day in my life and is found in Psalm 119:130 (New King James Version) “The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple”.  Some versions have the word “unfolding” in place of “entrance”.  Either way, the image of unfolding or opening God’s Word with light radiating out is such a bright and wonderful sight to behold.  This scripture has been so encouraging to me in these ever darker times we are living in.  How about you? Have you been able to draw from God’s Word to take comfort and inspiration while living through troubling times of economic collapse related to the Coronavirus threat?  Perhaps your life has dramatically changed with loss of job and livelihood?  Thousands in Australia have been able to switch to working for a different employer and in a much different capacity.  Many feel out of control, scared, threatened, and worried about the future.  We need to stay focussed despite the present conditions which we find ourselves facing, and they seem to be tightening up with each week that goes by due to the increase in numbers of those infected and those who have died.
What shall we do?  These words remind me of the time when the apostle Peter was speaking to the crowds including Christians and Gentiles in Acts 2:37.  People had just come to realise that they were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.  It came as such a shocking revelation to them that they were momentarily paralysed in grief.  Likewise, we are in the same circumstance of being found guilty of Christ’s death too.  We were not there but we are still responsible because of our sin that separates us from God.  Living in modern times we may seem far away from the early Christians in culture, in traditions, in practices and geographical settings.  However, we are all made in God’s likeness as human beings but we are not yet complete as we still have to battle, through resisting and overcoming, our own carnal human nature that entices us to sin.
We are to resolutely stay calm, trust and rely on God and redeem our time wisely in preparation for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread holy day season which is almost upon us.  The timing of this pandemic is not a random accident.  It is here for a reason at such a time as this.  You were born at such a time as this to show God where your allegiance lies…whether with Him or the Devil who wants us all to be distracted and paralysed in fear.  Refuse to give in to this invisible maniac who hates God with such an evil passion and hates His followers just as much, trying to destroy us with yet another arsenal in his weaponry.  We must stay strong and united in faith.  One day at a time fellow Christians we march on by doing the daily things that need to be done, continuing on in heartfelt prayer, relying on our King of Kings to assist us with His Helper to keep the faith once and for all.  We can do this!  You can do this!  Our Father’s love is so deeply pure and magnificently powerful.  Ask yourself this: Romans 8:31-39 “What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?  Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?  It is God who justifies.  Who is he who condemns?  It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  As it is written: ‘For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter’.  Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
May God bless us, His faithful, to keep the Passover most meaningfully, the Night to be Much Remembered, and the Days Of Unleavened Bread in full sincerity of truth looking to our Creator in humble obedience for the most awesome sacrifice of His life in order to pay the penalty of the world’s sin so that we might live.  We will all be together in Spirit united as one.  Much Agape Love to all in these dark times.

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