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Psalm 54:4

Psalm 54

Save me, O God, by Your name,
And vindicate me by Your strength.
Hear my prayer, O God;
Give ear to the words of my mouth.
For strangers have risen up against me,
And oppressors have sought after my life;
They have not set God before them.  Selah
Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is with those who uphold my life.
He will repay my enemies for their evil.
Cut them off in Your truth.
I will freely sacrifice to You;
I will praise Your name, O Lord, for it is good.
For He has delivered me out of all trouble;
And my eye has seen its desire upon my enemies.
Psalm 54 was written by David as a contemplation regarding the time when the Ziphites (people of Ziph) provided news as informants to King Saul when Saul's men were searching for David's whereabouts in order to destroy him.  David was known for his skillful ability to play on stringed instruments such as the harp and perhaps one day we will be able to hear him render such a piece with deep meaning set to beautiful music.  In the meantime we have our own struggles from time to time with enemies making our life challenging due to any number of things said against us involving lies in false accounts and accusations, fuelled by jealous envy, evil doings including spiteful, vicious and malicious gossip, all orchestrated to bring about character assassination and harm, either on a personal front or in the working world.  Whether we are incredibly blessed to have no harmful effects from physical enemies (Proverbs 16:7), we do indeed have an enemy in the spiritual world, sight unseen, way more powerful than any of us mere mortals.  His name is Satan the devil who accuses us day and night before God's throne (Revelation 12:10) and his time is short so he is working with frenzied activity deliberately to kill humanity, especially those who have made a covenant upon baptism -- God's elect.  However His elect, the firstfruits, know that they have God's Spirit within them and it is this power from God which can annihilate and thwart satan's efforts thereby reducing the devil and all his wicked machinations to nothing when we remain faithfully obedient and allow God's Holy Spirit to not only lead us, but do as He says through keenly listening to His Spirit and then following through to do God's will for us.  This is precisely how David became King after many years of wrongful persecutions and fleeing from enemies -- by having complete faith in God to help save him from evil.
1 Samuel 23 reveals how God intervened for faithful David when King Saul sought his life not only at the hands of the Ziphites but at the hands of other peoples repeatedly and relentlessly.  God can and will always intervene for His faithful, giving any one of us the best solution for our rescue from our enemies.  It may be in the most unlikely of ways or not be what we thought or ever could have imagined, as God's ways are perfect and we tend to rely on faulty human logic at best to reason with.  However, you can rest assured that His divine intervention is always done in love and designed for our ultimate protection.  God indeed is our helper not only in times of trouble but is with us as our Helper to call on at any time we need assistance in any situation.  No matter what you may be facing now or in the future, talk to God quietly so that the enemy does not get to hear what you are saying.  He cannot read our minds the way God can, so why should we give the enemy any clues in this spiritual battle we fight?  He has plenty of power now to derail us sight unseen through affecting the attitudes and actions of others in the world and even within the church where wheat and tares fellowship together, so we must fight taking everything to God, and be very mindful of speaking out loud which inadvertently only gives the devil more fuel to burn.  Remember we are in a spiritual battle for our very lives therefore we must fight with wisdom from above and implement everything we have been supplied with to ensure we succeed (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Our fierce enemy will eventually be destroyed as we have read at the end of the Book and we know that we win -- the victory is ours -- because God is for us so all those against us will fail (Romans 8:31).  No matter who attempts to oppress us in this physical life we need to remind ourselves that they are just clueless pawns being used by the wicked one via diabolical attitudes fuelled by their father, the father of lies, the devil (John 8:44) who masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).  Understandably, we do have targets on our backs because we have aligned ourselves with God so the enemy will pursue each and every one of us until the end with every bit of guile, trickery, cunning, and deceit in order to attempt to separate us from our Creator.  Yet we must valiantly fight on with God's help -- for is it not written in Romans 8:35-39 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  As it is written:  'For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter'.  Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Keep going, fight the good fight brethren, be strong in the Lord, for our Father and Christ will continue to strengthen and sustain you just as they have all those thousands of years ago with David, the humble shepherd boy who became King David ruling over Judah and Israel for a total of 40 years and is now at rest, awaiting his resurrection to rule forevermore with Christ (Ezekial 37:24-25).  For me, over the last year and a half, the Psalms have been a more in-depth delightful discovery of just how pertinent and applicable these writings are to the modern day Israelitish peoples scattered around the world.  David wrote many beautiful and meaningful Psalms for which we can eagerly and gratefully glean great hope, along with inspiration and encouragement.  Let us remain faithful and earnestly being about our Father's business each and every single day -- keep asking, keep going, for it won't be long now (Isaiah 11).

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