Beautiful Attitudes




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Collage Of Qs

Quandongs, Quinces, Quetzals, Quails, Quokkas, Quolls, And More

This piece of writing is primarily about our awesome Creator God and His creation.  The vastness of variety and extraordinary intricacies of perfectly designed flowers when time is taken to consider their form more closely is enough to take one's breath away.  The vibrant myriad of colours, the engineering of structure, the depth of thought behind each individual kind of flower, plant, tree, bird, cat, dog, bee, ant, or species has been purposely and expertly designed.  Our Master Creator God is full of love and there is unquestionably great love in every part of the creation.  Our Bibles inform us that God is love in 1 John 4:16 and when He created everything He saw that it was not just good, but very good as it is written in Genesis 1:31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good".
God was able to do what we can never do in this life and anything we put our hands to is a very poor imitation by comparison.  We can copy design through art, write with creative flair, compose music, play musical instruments, perhaps even sing with an "angelic" voice and make beautiful music, yet we only have these attributes because they have been given to us as gifts by God.  Creation is complex and God makes it look so easy, yet behind it all is perfection on every level that is connected to love and complete righteousness.  Not only did God decide on form but He considered well the function.  We only need to start with examining the human body by exploring what goes into every aspect of anatomy and physiology.  When studying for a nursing degree some decades ago it was three years of full-time study and still it felt like we only touched on the basics in class.  It was up to us to spend many hours of our own time to delve deeper into the way God created the human body with all its functions.  Fascinating, wonderful, amazing, and awe-inspiring is the work of God's hands.  King David's Psalm 139 details this well.
Let us consider just a few created things that begin with the letter Q since there are not as many.  Quesadillas, Quark, Quinoa, Quiche, and Qottab, are some foods we may cook regularly or at least know of in addition to Quail and Quinces, while Quandongs are native to Australia.  God created all things for us to enjoy, and even if we get creative through the process of cooking for example, we simply cannot bake or cook anything unless He first provided the raw foodstuffs.  This reminds me of the story known as "God's Dirt" which has been told over the years to reveal man's pride and arrogance in thinking he can create a human by his own ability but is incredibly deficient as humans cannot even make the dirt from scratch to begin the process.  Talk about being blind and presumptuous.  As we know the first man Adam was made from the dust of the ground, hence the word dirt being used here in this example (Genesis 2:7).
Only recently have I come to learn of Quark and Qottab — it is so exciting to keep learning in this life because to remain stagnant would be tragic.  If my physical father were still alive I would share with him that there is indeed a word beginning with the letter Q without the consecutive vowel being a U (Qottab as mentioned above).  He taught me early in life that Q is always followed by a U (except for the acronym QANTAS) so that I could spell well, for inquisitive minds want to know such things, and spelling was one of my favourite subjects at school.  It will be nice to share this trivial piece of information with him in the distant future, as well as the most significant knowledge that God certainly exists.  For my paternal grandfather we will discuss the beauty of the group of birds known as Quetzals and the smaller Quails as he was an avid bird watcher viewing many of them through his binoculars which are now in my possession.  With my five children we will discuss many things including marsupials like Quokkas and Quolls.  Sharing God's creation with family members will be right "up there" on the list of things I am looking forward to.  Perhaps there are Q things you are unfamiliar with even today and this article may inspire you to find out something about one or more of them?  May I suggest the ingredient Quark which makes a great and healthy Blueberry Cheesecake — recipe provided on the South Australian Paris Creek website.  Paris Creek is situated in the pristine Adelaide hills near Hahndorf.
Meanwhile and sadly, scientists still believe they can create human beings, and it seems IVF (in vitro fertilisation), robots, cloning of animals, and more recently the (unnatural) phenomenon of artificial intelligence (AI) are still not enough for some.  The quest to advance or improve can be used for good or not so good reasons, with consequences even nefariously so.  Science has a long way to go but will never catch up to God because we are human and not supernatural.  This is all part of the work of the devil in his diabolical desire to have deception abound.  We may wonder what on earth can be next while we pray for Christ's return.  This present world is not the world I grew up in and is getting more bizarre as the days and weeks go by.  Scripture tells us that people will not be satisfied, with eyes and hearts always wanting more (Ecclesiastes 1:8, Proverbs 27:20, and 1 John 2:16).  The devil feeds into this by continuing to promote thoughts and attitudes connected to greed, covetousness, pride, and wanting power to change the world.
History repeats itself over and over again starting with Nimrod in Genesis 10:8-12, noting that Nimrod had a kingdom and was responsible for building the Tower of Babel as mentioned in Genesis 11:1-9.  When will people learn to listen to God instead of engaging in rebellion and doing things their way?  To do things my way is wrong and sinful, and I have learnt this through many years of experience the hard way.  To line everything up and filter our thoughts, words, and deeds in God's Word will never steer us in the wrong direction.  We need our Bible, our manual for life as without it we are lost.  For those who have had the veil of deception lifted we have been given a great responsibility to follow Christ and allow God's Spirit to lead us.  The Helper quietly and persistently shows us the right way and we start fresh each day in order to live righteously with the aim of being ready when Christ returns to usher in The Kingdom of God.  Meanwhile the devil has the world under his sway to cause as much evil and devastation as possible with God overseeing everything and allowing only some of it in order to exercise mercy and protect us from the monster who desperately wants us deceived and destroyed (1 John 5:19, Luke 4:6, John 10:10, Revelation 12:9, 1 Peter 5:8).
As relentless as the devil is in its desire to annihilate, destroy and wreak chaos through evil, it cannot create, only counterfeit and plagiarize at most, yet continues to influence humankind into thinking they can do his dirty work.  The devil completely deceives people into believing they can create and that they are so clever because these ideas are their ideas, instead of his wicked and evil agenda.  However, we know the end of the story, the final verses in Revelation 22 and so we have great faith and hope in Christ's return fully believing the promises made to us.  It is hard at times to keep this positive momentum going especially when sick or tired from trials yet we understand that we are being perfected and that is quite exciting in and of itself.  Therefore let us focus on the work at hand by being about our Father's business while we look to His creation always marvelling at His astounding handiwork for which Psalms 8, 19, 33, 95 and 104 highlight just how awesome our Creator is.

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