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Psalm 17:15

Quantum Satis

The word quantum instantly brings to mind the term quantum physics which is defined as "a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents'' according to  Understanding physics from university days it is just logical to me that there are laws for everything even though some of these seem rather counter-intuitive.  God's laws are not like human laws because His are perfect.  He is supremely perfect, whereas man's laws are a poor substitute at best by comparison, while some should be made defunct or rendered obsolete.  However this piece of writing is not about quantum physics as it would be rather boring for most readers and can be incredibly complex.  Firstly, let me define quantum -- the word "quantum" comes from the Latin language meaning how much, of which quantus is the plural form -- a quantity or volume, an amount or measure, portion or part thereof.  Adjectives to describe quantum consist of words such as large or significant.  An example of quantum used in a sentence is provided from the online Merriam-Webster dictionary as follows: "The sum of human knowledge is now so immense that even a highly educated person can hope to absorb only a tiny quantum of it".
Here the discussion will be on quantum satis, which is widely known and abbreviated as Q.S. in the medical field -- a Latin term meaning the amount which is enough, the origins of which are relevant to pharmacology as in quantity specifications sourced, according to Wikipedia.  So, let me ask you this -- do you ever feel like you can get enough of God?  No matter how many prayers, fasts, holy day attendance, miracles, healings, even trials, and the daily ongoing development of having a close relationship with Him, it never seems to be enough, as we are bound by time in this earthly realm and our minds can only absorb so much in meditation before we have to accept that we get to see through a glass darkly for now (1 Corinthians 13:12).  Then there is that scripture in Deuteronomy 29:29 which states "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law".  All will be revealed by God in fullness in due time, we have no doubt of that.
In many a prayerful setting my mind has yearned to have God up close and personal as it were, as we would any physical friend sitting or standing before us in order to exercise our senses such as touch, hearing, and sight helping with our communication.  If only we could have that little bit extra which would be a huge help in those moments when we are struggling.  But understandably we must wait in order to change from physical to supernatural beings once resurrected from the first death.  No argument there, as the physical cannot survive near such glorious perfection.  Thoughts come to mind of when God gave Moses a quick glimpse of His form in Exodus 33 while Moses was in the cleft of a rock and God put His hand over the opening so that only His back was seen.  Just that very brief encounter left Moses with shiny, radiant skin so that all the people could see that he looked so different and were even afraid to come near him.  For the rest of us, we will need to remain patient while continuing to see with faithful eyes (Proverbs 27:20).
Unlike quantum satis where the portion, amount, or dose of an ingredient in any medication is deemed enough or therapeutic rather than toxic, we can rest assured that there is no level that comes anywhere near this when speaking about our relationship with God.  There is nothing toxic about God despite what some may say, they are wrong as they do not know Him.  God is pure love and righteousness therefore we should not limit our time shared with Him.  Our duties limit us to various degrees, yes, however even so when we are at work for the day, we can still hold Him close in our hearts and minds while we "talk" and nobody can see this or have any clue as to what we are doing.  Don't you just love that we can do that?  Nobody can ever take that away from us.  We will need every day between now and when Christ returns to continue to invest our time in knowing God. The Bible is there for us to absorb as much as we can, however we will always desire more in this physical life as we are not complete yet but yearn to be made so.  Having been given God's Holy Spirit upon baptism we have the Helper making a huge difference in our lives as we listen and are led to be more Christ-like.  Filling up on Christ is our medicine as it were, without any limits deeming enough is enough, as we simply cannot get enough of God's goodness in this lifetime.  The more we know about God, the more we want to seek out for ourselves just another glimpse, just another facet of His character, His majesty and glory.  No wonder Moses asked to see God (Exodus 33:18-23).
How can we absorb God and Christ based on quantifiable amounts?  We can attempt to do this by obedience through keeping the 10 Commandments.  Our heartfelt willingness with obedience in following through is key.  In order to be like them we need to think like them, do what they do when we are presented with making a choice.  Do we follow our own will or their will?  Do we filter everything we face by lining each situation up with principles in the Bible?  Do we allow the Helper to lead us or do we default to what we find easier to do like we did prior to baptism?  One day at a time, we should focus on the day at hand -- the present -- rather than overwhelm our minds with many things that may or may not occur in the future according to James 4:13-15, otherwise we are conforming to exercises of futility.  If we simplify the task at hand into small parts of the quantum then we are more able to come to terms with our focus for the achievable rather than overwhelm our finite capabilities.  Only God has complete and full control in all matters and situations, while at best we are to be developing self-control.
Our God is infinitely perfect, powerful, awesome, glorious, all encompassing, holy, too huge and magnificent to grasp all that quantifies His being.  His supernatural attributes are supreme -- there is none like Him, He has always existed and will always exist.  Omnipotent, omnipresent, immutable, eternal, righteous and full of love and mercy.  He is the beginning and the end -- the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 22:13).  Isaiah 43:10-11 declares "You are My witnesses, says the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He.  Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me.  I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no saviour".  Isaiah 40 declares the goodness and greatness of our God and repeatedly calls our attention by asking "have you not heard, have you not seen, do you not know" His great and mighty works and wonders.  Meditate and think on these things.
Psalm 17:15 from David's prayer beautifully sums up how we should think "As for me, I will see your face in righteousness, I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness".  Therefore, like the apostle Paul, my conclusion is that we will continue on working away steadfastly in order to bring our will into submission in order to gain Christ whom we strive to know daily through His Word, bearing with the present worldly things that God allows which cause many to sigh and cry while eagerly awaiting our change.  Ephesians 3:17-19 powerfully puts the focus on our appreciation of the mystery "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith;  that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height -- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge;  that you may be filled with all the fullness of God".  We need to fill up on spiritual matters which give God the glory by keeping the simplicity that is in Christ as per 2 Corinthians 11:3.  If we retain our focus with the quantum then the quantus will take care of itself as we will be developing hearts and minds to emulate our Saviour and will ultimately give God the glory.  In the meantime we grow in faith by always putting God first as in Exodus 20:3, Matthew 6:33, and Luke 12:31.

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