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Queen for a Day

Queen For A Day

Mother's day has well and truly come and gone again for another year.  Some mothers rejoiced and enjoyed pampering along with gifts while others were lonely and sad, and yet others eagerly await reunification with their children well into the future.  There is a mother I know of over time who had 5 children with 3 currently living.  She suffered a miscarriage and had an abortion many years ago which she deeply regrets.  Of such a one there can be no boasting, but then of such a one there can be imparting of truthful information.  This mother lived the majority of her life without knowing God until He called her to follow His Way by keeping commandments, not of men, but those contained within the Holy Bible.  These were a complete revelation to her as the Sabbath day was unknown and had been covered over under the thick veil of deception due to human and supernatural interference by the devil.  This mother began to keep the Sabbath the very next week -- every Friday sunset to Saturday sunset -- instead of the usual Sunday worship which God showed her was completely false.  She shared this information with her children but one decided she had gone insane and took her to a psychiatrist, another thought it sounded too good to be true, but both eventually terminated their relationship with her.  Over the years there were occasions when all children came to her separately for help both financially and physically for which she freely and most generously gave, as mothers tend to do.  From the three children only one still remains in contact to this very day but on certain terms with conversation limited to "safe" topics that do not mention God or any of His ways.  This is not so easy to adhere to when one is fully committed to God, yet the most important thing is to develop relationships without causing offence and without compromise.  This is a good exercise in self control with love and we know that with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27, Matthew 19:26, Luke 18:27).
This account is sad but true, yet it doesn't end there.  Before God mercifully intervened from the mess this woman had made of her life (adulteries, not one but two divorces), there were some very bad influences that required immediate intervention.  The devil had fascinated such a one since teenage years after she had experienced the loss of her mother through death, and then her father through other means.  Fast forward many years later when the devil did not want to give up one of his so-called converts to the other side and certainly not to his greatest enemy -- God -- the only true God who loves His creation perfectly unlike the monster who gets the foolish to do his bidding at such a wicked price.  How ignorant this woman had been throughout her life who became a mother, then eventually suffered the loss of her children as she knew them when they were healthy and thriving.  You see, the devil went after all 3 children with his diabolical plan in order to influence the woman to abandon God.  It didn't work despite the horrific effects from worldly ways in sick perversions that have scarred and affected her children to see their twisted ways as normal.  All 3 have been subjected to evil at the hands of the devil. They have known debilitating depression, suicidal ideations, repeated attacks of self harm, homosexuality, surgical procedures that should never have happened, divorce, adultery, and also transgenderism.  If one of these situations was not enough imagine the burden all of these bring upon a mother who truly loves her children and only wants the best for them.  Despite all of this the mother knows that God will heal all of her children, if not in this life, then in the next after He brings them up in their resurrection.  Not only that but the incredible miracle to come for the baby miscarried and the baby aborted -- both will live again and develop a lasting relationship with her for eternity.  This is a good exercise in patience and longsuffering.  There can be nothing more encouraging to think on and hope for except the knowledge that of all those babies who never even survived in-utero or after birth, they will all get to live again and be fully restored to perfect health thanks be to our most wonderful almighty Father and Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 15 in our Bibles is known as the resurrection chapter and provides the information you can reference to settle this in your mind if need be.
Anyone who really knows God definitely knows He is not the author or originator of confusion and that nothing is left to chance.  God's thoughts and ways are deliberately and perfectly planned with specific purpose for all of humanity's benefit (Jeremiah 29:11).  His blueprint for creation is incredibly specific, so beautifully complex and intricate, so masterfully great, that as humans we cannot attain anywhere near His perfection though we may try.  God tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9 "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways', says the Lord.  'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts'".  God created humans whether we believe so or not -- even if you are an atheist you cannot change the reality, for it is written in Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".  Furthermore, He states in Genesis 1:31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good".  There it is in black and white -- humans created by God were either male or female -- nothing else, no hybrids, no half/half or strange combinations or otherwise.  Try explaining that to a teenager fully set with their mind made up to have a sex change after having hormone therapy.  The madness of this is truly heart and gut wrenching for this mother, yet perseverance and trust in faith building moments were developed along with righteous character as God was able to teach this struggling single parent all about Galatians 5:22-23.
Conversely, some know that the title of creator and author of lies and confusion belongs to satan the devil who is at the heart of the problem influencing the minds of our precious children, doing his evil best to pervert their thoughts and actions into what we see today as so devastatingly prevalent amongst our society.  No matter how many times this mother has attempted to assist her children to see that there is a sight unseen orchestrator interfering with their thoughts, they refuse to accept this, but rather they insist their decisions are their own without influence.  Talk about massive deception.  One interesting comment made by her son was that he "wasn't born this way" but something happened during his formative years to change his mind therefore he became homosexual (his words paraphrased).  The "something that happened", the mother is convinced, came from somewhere -- the one who has power to influence thoughts through airwaves -- none other than the demonic realm.  Rather ironic that so many children and young adults watch the plethora of movies and shows about the occult such as Harry Potter but when it comes to admitting to the existence of the supernatural world -- they categorically refuse and deny its existence despite its existence.  Madness on a most frustrating scale.
So, despite current worldly ways of one day set aside on our calendars for children to show their mother grateful thankfulness and appreciation by treating them like a queen for a day, children will respect their mother (and father) each and every day by adhering to the 5th commandment found in Exodus 20:12 in the world to come.  This will be such a wonderful time to look forward to when all the hearts of the children will be lastingly reunited with their mothers (and fathers) as it is written in Malachi 4:6.  Until then you may be interested to know that the mother in this article lives peacefully with joy serving God and Christ faithfully in a meaningfully abundant life (John 10:10) and also with great purpose now married to the most loving husband God has blessed her with.  Despite hurtful rejection by her children for now she has much excitement anticipating what is ahead and would like to share one sentence which sums up her state of mind taken from what others have said before us "forgive them Father for they do not know what they do" (Acts 7:60 and Luke 23:34).

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