Beautiful Attitudes




About The


Father's Business

Quietly Going About Our Father's Business

What would we see if viewing a compilation of your life? What does a typical day in your life consist of?

Do you remember watching a TV show called “This is Your Life?” In Australia this was based on the American show of the same name. It ran from 1975-1980 and again from 1995-2011. Described as a TV documentary and reality show featuring special guests who were either celebrities or non-celebrities — some of whom were outstanding business people, military personnel, clergy, community or charity service oriented people, among others who had done extraordinary things with their lives. The host of the show surprises the guest with audience participation where family and friends are seated. Other surprise participants are flown in from overseas, or a big screen with a live message is streamed in via telephone hook up. The show must have been very popular because people would talk about it at school the next week and at work. I remember that we all watched to find out who would be on the show that week. It confirmed to me that people just love learning about other people. This show was the catalyst for me to read many biographies and autobiographies of people from many countries across the globe in order to get a glimpse into their lives.

It really was fascinating to watch “This Is Your Life” and learn about the life and times of many well known and some not-so-well-known personalities and celebrities, as various family members and friends, work colleagues, neighbours, and distant school friends, brought to the attention of the viewer, surprising, lesser-known facts. I often found my perception softened or changed for the positive, once I learnt about the kind deeds the special guest had done.

There was another TV show around the same time along a similar theme but instead showed the audience only a brief glimpse of the person’s life. It captured a typical day in their life. Just one day. One whole day doesn’t seem like much but it was quite amazing to see how much one person can achieve and involve themselves in during 24 hours. Quite often their typical day began before sunrise and finished well after dark. There was a real sense of achievement but invariably at the expense of relationships with loved ones.

Quite often I found myself sitting there in the lounge room thinking that their life outwardly seemed glamorous or exciting as depicted in magazines or in newspapers but in reality it was really a hard slog or a lot of work. Work that did not just happen but was carefully planned down to the last detail. Full diaries and tight schedules where a cancellation would be gratefully received for a little breathing space. I wondered whether I could keep this sort of pace up. When younger it would not have proved too much of a problem, but these days it certainly would be very unbalanced, and there would be no time to “smell the roses” so to speak. I sat there feeling somewhat sorry for them because as a young person it seemed like they were locked into some sort of “rat race”. They seemed quite lonely with no ability to take time to be with family. They would be thinking about their family and reassuring themselves they were doing what they were doing for their family, but hardly saw them at all except for a good morning or a goodnight hug and kiss. How tragically sad.

All these years later, with the benefit of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, I can see very clearly that it would be impossible to engage in this type of lifestyle, because not one of these special guests focussed on a work life balance. They may have had lots of mini holidays with travel all over the world but they would not have been able to put another person first before their own wants and desires. I was right. They were locked into a fast paced lifestyle which they had chosen for themselves. In some ways it reminded me of a mouse moving frantically within the wheel, the momentum going at breakneck speed, wondering how the mouse will eventually exit without injury. Sometimes when the wheel stopped I was sure the mouse was dizzy; it paused for several moments and looked disoriented, before moving onwards again.

In stark contrast, it is so very gratifying that we do not have to choose this way of life. In fact all those who keep God’s Sabbath day are truly Blessed in the most wonderful way of having a gift that no one can take away from us. We have one whole day and night of rest, rejuvenation, spiritual exchanges with brethren in fellowship, church attendance, and so much more via the deep joy and opportunities to engage in filling needs of others, where we see those needs and are blessed to provide in whatever way God has blessed us. Nothing can top this for God’s children who keep the Sabbath. However it does get even better by attending the Feast of Tabernacles annually for a whole 7 days. It is like having a whole week full of Sabbaths to enjoy. Of course nobody really wants to go home, and we all want more.

That is the thing. If God did not set aside this holy time at the end of every week to rejuvenate and worship Him, humans would keep on going doing their own thing whether that is working, playing sports, watching heaps of TV, or having pleasurable pursuits. We just do not know when to stop. We definitely need guidelines and thankfully we have the best Father in the world to give them to those who so choose to listen, obey and reap the benefits.

God is Watching And So Is The Devil

So what does just one day look like in your life? The Sabbath should look like the Sabbath as it is holy time. But what about the rest of the week? Many of us work outside of the home in paid full time or part time employment. Some work at home unpaid. Some may even volunteer. Others may be retired or semi retired. It would be most interesting to know how we each fill up our days. Not so that we can compare ourselves with one another because we know this is not wise (2 Corinthians 10:12). But to use this knowledge in a most helpful way on how best to use our time wisely, as we all get the same 24 hours in one full day. I think back to how I used to do things (pre calling) and now compare to how God has shown me how to do things, and I am just in awe of His great wisdom. What a difference it makes!

Aside from the basics of sleeping, eating, restroom stops, hygiene, travelling to and from work, errands, and various and sundry items like checking the letterbox, that leaves some time for the more important pursuits of spiritual development. So if your typical day includes Bible study, reading the Bible by yourself and/or with another, prayer, and listening to a sermon or two online, then that would be most pleasing to our loving Heavenly Father. As we go about our daily lives we put into action all this wisdom so that we love all others who pass by within our mini domains (2 Corinthians 5:9). As James says in James 1:22 “But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves”.

We know that God is watching us (Hebrews 4:13) and so is our Adversary the devil who is waiting for an opportunity to pounce and devour us (1 Peter 5:8). God is ever present protecting us and we must be ever vigilant making each and every day count.