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Revelation 18:4

Resistance Is Not Futile

Don't get me wrong, I have always appreciated boundaries and exercised a healthy respect for authority to parents, teachers and others but there is a time for questioning principles especially when they blatantly go against God.  Resistance is a concept that is becoming more familiar to my conscience which has set off alarm bells ever since the early stages of COVID-19, not that it is automatically my first choice in many instances, but it is becoming necessary as part of wise discernment in order to respond with any semblance of common sense.  For example, how does one explain the use of face masks over 2-3 hours in a small room where up to only 17 people are currently permitted to meet with no windows able to be opened for ventilation, but then all present can remove their masks in order to eat and drink over the next hour or so?  These rules are really very strange and fraught with obvious problems that truly make no sense.  If this supposed new, more virulent strain of COVID known as Delta can be transmitted via one vector or host to another most certainly within the confines of a room then the obvious rule should be to mask up the entirety of the time.  This makes more sense.  Instead we have random flip flopping between one thing and the next.  Make it up as we go seems to be the policy of the day as long as the people have something in place to follow, never mind that it is not sound and in fact very detrimental to the health and wellbeing of all those affected.  This should not be the time for panicking with knee jerk reactions, but rather the time for good old fashioned consistency with careful planning if our leaders want to protect their citizens.
Masks have a purpose and are beneficial when used in theatre for surgical purposes to prevent contamination or threat of infection when the patient is skilfully opened by incision via a sterile scalpel after being painted or swabbed thoroughly with an aseptic solution known as Betadine.  When working in theatre, everyone including myself happily and dutifully wore a mask.  God created the human body with such perfect brilliance -- He contained our inward parts with a waterproof covering known as skin to protect us from infection.  Our largest organ, the skin has an outer layer known as the epidermis.  Then God placed the dermis structure immediately underneath thereby offering further protection from external elements that could threaten our health.  Once the outer surface of our skin is broken then there is potential for infection which can cause all sorts of problems even leading to death depending on the initial injury, our immune status, whether we have Diabetes Mellitus which can hamper, delay or prevent healing, then there are nutritional factors which are also very important, as also are whether we have multiple comorbidities related to medical issues we may already have been diagnosed with such as kidney disease, cardiac disease, lung disease, liver disease, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and the list could go on and on.  You get the idea.
Perhaps it is more difficult for some of us to accept the current medical advice than others due to education, use of common sense, our ability to "think outside of the box" to problem solve, and whether we can harness and resist carnal human nature by replacing this with Godly wisdom.  God advises to quarantine the sick and allow the healthy to be out and about mixing with others and this is the very principle we should obey for attending weekly services on the Sabbath and for all other Holy days in addition to various aspects of our lives whether at work, shopping, engaging in sporting activities or any activity that involves being around people.  This is how God intends for us to take care of ourselves and others by thinking about them, loving them, doing unto others as we would have them do unto us.  We would all surely appreciate consideration and thoughtful behaviour from those around us by each and every one adhering to God's laws.  God's children are very good at keeping these laws as they know they work and completely trust God.  The rest of the world is made up of a mixture of doing whatever seems right in their eyes.  So if ill or sick some go to work medicated up and hope for the best as loss of wages is not ideal, and this they do even if some have paid sick leave available.  Prior to the Coronavirus many a nurse would turn up for work trying to hide their symptoms of coughs, colds, and even the flu, amongst other infectious maladies such as Shingles.  Time after time it astounded me just how many would be heralded as good nurses, saviours because they did not let the team down, never mind giving everyone else a dire case of Gastroenteritis which requires a full 48 hours clearance of any symptoms, not to mention the risk to already frail and compromised patients, and pregnant staff.  Strange how suddenly things have changed and to go to work with any illness these days is frowned upon, but it is obviously the right thing to do!  Sadly it took COVID-19 to change this.  Should have always been the norm but it took this disaster the world calls a pandemic to bring change.  What a crazy system we live under but we know who is controlling this system -- none other than the devil who has managed to remain invisible to the whole world except to God's called out ones who clearly see the effects of confusion and devastation from the father of lies (John 8:44).
These days one never knows what will happen due to living in volatile times where some really believe they are doing the right thing by getting jabbed, wearing masks, and putting their faith in  physical things including faulty governments because that is all they have to hold on to and the alternative means illness or even death to them.  They will do whatever they are told in order to travel -- a top up jab annually like the flu shot?  Better do it, sounds like a good idea to them.  They are not able to think clearly because of living in a prolonged state of fear and panic not helped by instances of acute hypoxia with further deterioration developing to chronic levels of hypoxia -- the absence of breathing clean air when maskless, and are therefore starved of oxygen -- and over time in these repeated lockdown situations this has cumulative and detrimental effects on the brain.  Billions are being fed by media transmitting statistics which are known to be flawed, actually downright lies but these they do not bother to investigate.  Too busy with distractions -- games, sports, TV, alcohol, and technical gadgets to provide escapism from the news of the supposed reality.  Yet they are drawn to the news like moths to a flame.  More recently our news reports contain information about the choice of bribes on offer just if one gets the double jab -- first one invades the system in preparation for attack and the second one ensures more is loaded in to do the dirty work of even more harm through the sending in of reinforcements.  Witnessing this is hard, very hard as the deception is so great; it is truly astounding to see the depths of it as every country and every culture is taken over by the invasion of a man-made chemical weapon of warfare on poor, hard-working, unsuspecting people.  If only they would seek out their Creator, our true Healer, who is the only source and answer for this diabolical situation the world is under the sway and influence of (1 John 5:19).  Imagine having worldwide repentance in fasting and prayer for God to heal the nations -- one day all will come to this but until then we have this messy, ugly, interim age of lies and deception to get through.
Last week when I was minding my own business, deep in thought while considering the contents needed for some recipes, and as I perused through the fruit and vegetable section of our local supermarket I suddenly found myself confronted by a tall, solid man staring at me menacingly with big eyes wearing a dark coloured beanie.  His gaze was fixed on me and as I gave eye contact back I wondered why he was unable to shift his gaze...did he know me?  Evidently not -- he barked at me "Where is your mask?"  My answer was not what he wanted.  I told him pleasantly that I had an exemption for medical reasons and would he like to see it?  He actually said no (my original document is safely filed away at home but I do carry a few copies in case of loss or destruction).  He continued to stare at me even while walking off around the corner into the next aisle muttering something incoherently under his masked breath.  I was most relieved that he did not bump into anyone in his emotional state when we really should be mindful of social distancing and watching where we go, even more-so now than ever before.  Why he targeted me while other unmasked individuals were present was not made clear though I do have a few thoughts on the matter.  Even at the check-out he continued his passive/aggressive behaviour until he left the shop.  This could have been a very intimidating experience for some as he towered over me and I am not short.  Only this week an official announcement by our state premier said not to approach others in shops as they will most likely have a medical exemption but this man obviously was unaware or couldn't contain his misguided anger.  Obviously there are others who have gone through a similar experience for requiring such an announcement by the government.  Things are getting uglier by the week and what's more, we have hardly anyone here infected by COVID apart from returning overseas travellers who have been ensconced in medihotels.
Our resistance to stupidity, lies, and experimental pharmacopeia is not futile as God always knows the intention of our heart.  His people have His Holy Spirit, are not confused when led by that Spirit, and know that wearing a mask will not prevent a person acquiring the virus.  People have been masked up going to their doctor (also masked) with all parties masked in the waiting room, yet they still have acquired the virus.  They are 100% convinced they had been infected in this environment as they had not been anywhere else, therefore it is quite obvious and plain to them as the nose on their face.  Even most officials will now admit and have said that the jab will not prevent acquisition of COVID, just reduce the symptoms to various degrees depending on which jab you subject yourself to.  Time to wake up and become informed through education from reputable sites.  More and more are popping up online despite the censorship we have come to notice.  Many are sharing their experiences from the jab such as paralysis, anaphylaxis, strokes, convulsions and seizures, neurological disorders, vascular traumas including clots, emboli, and hemorrhaging, among a long list of others which have left thousands and thousands of people with permanent and life altering terrible side effects, and most importantly finding ways to get the truth out to warn others.  Many sites have been shut down because of censorship, except they call it misinformation with propaganda proliferating and permeating social media sites.  No wonder so many are confused.  Thankfully we still have some medical professionals with intact and active consciences resigning from jobs, no longer willing to be part of mass genocide on a scale we have not lived through until now.
There is an account in the Bible that reminds me of what is currently transpiring in our sick and dying world.  Perhaps it also reminds you?  It is found in 2 Kings 5 and is about a man named Naaman, a mighty man, commander of the King of Syria's army who was very highly regarded but had leprosy, the King of Syria who wrote a letter to the King of Israel, a prophet of God named Elisha, and a young slave girl captured from Israel who told her mistress -- Naaman's wife -- that God could heal the leprosy.  The story is fascinating if we go to our Bible to read this chapter and see exactly all that transpired.  What you will see is a story about life, pride, external sickness obvious to all as evidenced by skin covered with leprosy, internal sickness of hearts not always obvious to others and especially not to ourselves (Jeremiah 17:9), how humans interfere to their detriment with faulty expectations, resistance to God's way due to faulty human logic, however in spite of all this, healing takes place when we eventually do what God says.  How about we listen to God rather than people?  We should never be in resistance to God for He always knows best, after all He made us -- He holds the blueprints.  Yet we are to resist the ways of the world by being separate to it even though we must live amongst it (Revelation 18:4, Jeremiah 51:45, Proverbs 9:6).
What is the right answer to all of this?  Therefore, as for me and my house we will serve the LORD forever as stated in Joshua 24:14.  The choice is clear to those close to God -- the jab is not God made but man made -- man is fraught with faults, as well meaning as one may be, however we are foolish by comparison to our Creator.  Wisdom from God trumps anything that this world offers to the point there is no comparison, as God's way excels every time over the lies and confusion brought about by our enemy.  God says to build your immune system by obeying His laws including those related to clean and unclean foods, and to care for our body as it is a Holy Temple to the Lord.  Do we allow just anything in?  Think, observe, learn, read, wake up, fast and pray for God to lead you away from what the world is saturating the masses in -- lies and death.  Choose life by choosing God.  It may mean forgoing international travel.  Is this a price you are willing to pay for obedience to God?  Think about what God stands for -- the way of give, NOT get.  Be willing to give everything up except complete obedience and faithfulness to God the Almighty.  God sees all and our choices are important to Him.  Is God worth more than an overseas trip?  Is He worth more than life going back to normal?  At the end of the day we should do all we can to obey God and bolster our health by making wiser decisions.  God will protect us and He allows what He allows.  Nobody wants to get ill but if for some reason we get the Coronavirus then we know what to do.  Pray, ask for an anointed cloth from the elders, ingest therapeutic levels of potent Vitamin C and D, and zinc, rest and recover trusting in God's power.  God will see us through by healing us or placing us to rest until our change, as some have gone before us, ready for the resurrection, in their place of safety.  Remember the first commandment and act on it.  The time is now for we are being tested to be proven worthy of eternal life as a Firstfruit.  Determine to be there and do not let fear push you into getting jabbed with toxic poisons that will destroy your God given immune system.  Despite COVID-19 being real, we do not need any solution the world offers -- we need God.  Time to get serious and stop listening to what the vast majority do when faced with the potential of death.  Firstfruits do the opposite and rely on God.  Remember God's words to us from Psalm 37:39-40 "But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble.  And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him".  Psalm 37 deserves careful meditation throughout.

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