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Psalm 88:12

Righteousness In The Land Of Forgetfulness

As we have just kept the last week of 7 days for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we have been reminded through the most excellent example of Jesus Christ to fill up on Him and keep sin as far away as possible. A physical application with a spiritual meaning and this time my preference was for the plain unleavened bread (Solomon's Matzo) rather than the customary Lavosh brand of several varieties including one with poppy seeds.  Why is this so?  Physically, I think my taste buds have changed somewhat with the past year of eating mainly whole foods and having a controlled carbohydrate diet, almost no sugar (sometimes on the Sabbath), high in good fats — organic products such as milk, butter, cheese, avocados, cream, and oils from olive, avocado and coconuts.  Something noticeable changed in me so this seems to be the logical answer.  Without yeast for seven days my gastrointestinal system feels cleaner, leaner, with a stronger immune system too.  We should be so thankful to God for our health, for showing us how to look after it and the provision in Leviticus 11 of clean and unclean foods.  Spiritually, and this is the better change, there is maturation and growth, and for this God gets the glory.
Meanwhile most of my family members in the world suffered with debilitating COVID symptoms with one taken by ambulance to hospital due to inability to effectively breathe.  This was the third incidence of this affliction for her and some family members.  All the children recovered quickly, but some of them unfortunately have suffered with what is known as "long COVID".  Another family member told me they had to "sleep sitting up in bed and as long as they didn't move everything was alright, plus 4 hourly Panadol and plenty of fluids" to manage nasty 'Flu like symptoms that lasted for well over a week.  Pretty extreme in my books not to move as my sleep consists of regular side to side turning throughout the night.  Yet another family member has a bad case of infected skin from lesions on their head causing pain; while the least affected one has an irritating cold which still warrants quarantine at home due to its longevity in persistence of symptoms.  So much illness — it is like a minefield out there!  In addition to all of this thousands upon thousands of people are seriously depressed and despondent among those living in the land of forgetfulness — forgetfulness of their Creator.
Looking to the Bible as we are wont to do, there is an interesting Psalm from Heman, the Ezrahite, grandson of Samuel, who enjoyed singing, providing us with contemplative thoughts taking the form of a song in Psalm 88 which is known for help in times of despondency.  Psalm 88:12 reveals the following words:  "Shall Your wonders be known in the dark?  And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?"  This is how my perception is of the vast bulk of humanity — forgetful, especially of God and all His goodness.  In fact they are deliberately and eagerly erasing Him from all facets of our modern day life.  Out of the schools, out of the home, out of the law courts, out of the healthcare system, and for the longest time out of all mainstream churches — but then again that is where the Adversary has its creepy tentacles and lives in the dark deceiving all.  Doesn't have to try too hard there as the peoples of the world are held tightly captive under his sway for 1 John 5:19 says "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one".  My distant memories are still there of how my thoughts were before conversion in late 2006.  I was angry with the world and God, if He indeed existed, but no blame placed on the devil at all for he was meant to be something made up, not real — oh how strong and effective is this deception out there!  Now we know, now we know God is real and has always existed with ultimate power, perfect methods, and a plan so wonderful it includes all of humanity as well as the angelic realm.  Patience and perseverance are key while we resist and overcome sin to show our Father the love we are developing in faithful obedience.
This year the rich fullness of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread gave even more to consider and draw from, filling in cracks here and there both physically and spiritually.  There were surprises along the way that revealed joy, and sharing in that joy with others of like mind was beautiful and memorable as well as a couple of disappointing moments reminding me that the Spirit is willing but the flesh is indeed weak.  No longer is all day cooking possible standing in the kitchen for many hours, despite my mind thinking it will be fine based on previous memories.  This was how things started out for the First Day of Unleavened Bread but by the time the Last Day of Unleavened Bread came around the cooking was split over two days — Monday and Tuesday in order to bring it all on Wednesday.  This plan pleased me very well and the first day proved to be positive even getting much more done than I dared to hope. 
The second day was set aside for making a dessert and whilst there were so many things to choose from, it was settled that a new recipe would be tried (in hindsight this should have been tested beforehand).  It was a very simple recipe with only 4 ingredients of egg whites, almond essence, brown sugar, and pecan nuts chopped up.  Following the instructions carefully the Pecan Kisses looked nothing like the pictures online.  Mine were sticky blobs of gloopy mess.  The oven temperature was right, even checking several recipes, and because they looked uncooked I left them in a bit longer but they did not change at all.  Finally I gave up hoping they would harden while cooling.  That did not happen.  There was nothing for it so I called my husband into the kitchen to show him my efforts in making a triple batch of something that was meant to be a lovely surprise knowing his love for anything "peh-cahn".  After scraping all the meringue contents off the baking paper sheets to place them in a bowl, Jim said "What is it?" in reference to the comment made long ago when the Israelites first saw Manna (Exodus 16:15).  Well that instantly cracked me up and we both had a good old belly laugh.  It was nice to make a disappointing experience turn around into something rather pleasureable.  The Pecan Kisses would not cross anyone's lips apart from ours because they were unable to be salvaged.  So there they sat piled high looking like a dark brown volcano in a big stainless steel bowl placed in the fridge for Jim to have over the next few days.  However, whilst decidedly ugly, the flavour was there, but much too sweet for me.  Reluctantly I had to taste my wares, mainly out of sheer curiosity.
Now we are heading into the countdown to Pentecost and looking forward to this next Holy Day.  Whilst the world is stressed out we remain at peace, even though the trials come and go as we know God is always there and He will never leave us for we have proof in Deuteronomy 31:6 as it is written, and in addition to this, all of our faith building experiences.  Each day our lives are dedicated to God in humble obedience therefore we will never cease from serving our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  Forgetfulness is not an option but God’s righteousness is front and centre of our hearts and minds as we emulate our older Brother.  We go forward remembering the miracle of God's intervention long ago by parting the Red Sea so that the Israelites could escape from the oppressive slavery that they were under at the hands of Pharaoh.  While we live in the world during the remainder of our physical lives, we give grateful thanks to God for our calling out of the world thereby rescuing us from the deception and captivity of the devil.  We must always remember where we have come from, while never forgetting that God can do anything, and the annual holy days are perfectly planned to reinforce this over and over again.
Tomorrow is the Sabbath for which we are in preparation mode to keep it with the deepest awe and respect paying close attention to God's instructions, unlike those disobedient Israelites who said "we will do all that You say" but quickly forgot and turned to previous ways of idolatry.  The devil knows that God's elect are dedicated to Him, have a rock solid desire and intent to always keep the Sabbath, the 7 annual Holy Day Festivals, read our Bibles daily, study, meditate, pray and fast.  What our enemy is hell-bent on achieving is finding a tiny chink in our armour if he cannot throw "a spanner in the works" by offering distractions that once pleased us.  This Holy Day season has revealed to me where my chinks are and by turning to God, He is helping me to immediately develop a fool-proof plan in closing these cracks with the aid of The Helper, God's Holy Spirit.  There was one hiccup — while searching for an appropriate container to transport baking products for the Last Day of Unleavened Bread potluck, it was unexpectedly revealed to me that the "perfect" Tupperware box still had a baking paper sheet inside it.  Guess what?  After taking the lid off there were 3 crumbs just casually laying there looking back at me and while I am not certain, I'm pretty sure they were from cookies or slices containing some sort of leavening agent.  Epic fail.  But it's okay as it needed to be discovered for further growth.  Each year the various ways of how leavening can seem to sneak in amongst us never ceases to amaze me.
And so the nations of the world will busily continue on in their idolatrous pursuits all the while distracted and deceived with copious amounts of entertainment which is known as binging.  They want to do what is right in their own eyes rather than listen to God.  Whatever feels right, whatever seems right according to "their truth" is the mantra of these times in which this present evil age is in its final death throes.  They have forgotten their Creator in this land of forgetfulness just as we are ever more mindful that we are to be of those who are effectively plugging away diligently and consistently until we are ready for the great harvest.  The contrast is huge and no more vividly stark than the days we are living in.  As bad as things are for those we love in the world we know that God has chosen us to be part of the resistance, and never more needed than now, so let us fight the good fight brethren, the spiritual war, be strong in the Lord by putting on all of the armour as it is written in Ephesians 6:10-18.  We will stand united and victorious for nothing less will do for God and Christ gave everything so that we might live.  Let's live the life we are meant to live courageously with full conviction and commitment.

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