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Ephesians 1:13

Sealed With God's Spiritual Seal

Did you know God has personally sealed some of us when we were baptised?  All those who were baptised under the water and with hands laid on after emerging from the watery grave were sealed on this life changing occasion.  This knowledge was certainly not evident before God invited me to have a real relationship with Him when calling me out of the world.  It was not even fully apparent to me in the first years of coming to know who God really is.  However these last several years I have become more and more aware of a seal set upon those who have been called as firstfruits, God’s elect, those whom He is working with lovingly, diligently, tirelessly, patiently, perfectly and most skilfully in order to prepare for when Jesus Christ returns to earth in the future to establish His Kingdom which is rapidly approaching.
A seal is defined as “a device or substance that is used to join two things together so as to prevent them from coming apart or to prevent anything from passing between them” according to, the online reference dictionary.  To be sealed to God and for God sounds wonderful, a privilege, and especially not to be taken for granted.  Thinking about the act of sealing, I remember being fascinated while watching old movies, with sealing wax being placed on the back of an envelope while in melted form, then stamped with an imprint of the King’s seal from his signet ring representing his authority and the importance of the message to the one for whom it was intended.  Usually the seal was the colour of red — possibly to symbolise blood — which made such an impression on my youthful mind.  Once the red wax solidified on paper it was set hard and there was no breaking the seal by accident as anyone could see that something was amiss and tampering or foul play had occurred.  It was all very mysterious and impressive especially when the King was communicating with his intended bride-to-be in these old films.
Of course growing up in these modern times wax has been done away with, while envelopes have long had a gum residue already implanted so that a simple lick of the tongue or application to moisture such as water adheres the two paper surfaces together in order to ensure that they are sealed.  Not as fancy or attractive to look at but the purpose is met without a mess or fuss, and instantly.  Modern times can be so boring in some ways.  If I received an envelope with sealing wax now it would get my attention that something rather important was being conveyed such as a wedding invitation.  It would definitely stand out.  Some people still use old fashioned methods like this to complete the pomp and ceremony attached to tradition and to give a uniqueness to their wedding experience.  This brings us to what God says about sealing — the seal He has placed on His called out ones when giving His Holy Spirit to those upon baptism (Acts 2:38-39, Ephesians 1:13-14).  We can eagerly and faithfully refer to the Bible which is our vital and most important physical reference guide for truth, which has been written under divine inspiration to glean all we can about this matter of sealing.
For the most part I had read over various biblical passages mentioning the word seal and thought not much about this throughout the years.  I mean it was important to me because of being God’s inspired Word, but it wasn’t personal to me, therefore I could not relate to an experience I never had.  It was somewhat like reading through long genealogies — difficult to remember and hard to relate to.  Well let me tell you, God brought about a peculiar situation that had me scratching my head as it were, quite puzzled at the whole circumstance and keenly tuned in to what unfolded.  To begin with I had no idea of what was about to happen but I was in the process of fasting to seek God’s will in a most important matter in my life.  It was the first day of October in the year 2016 when I was introduced to a man living far across the Pacific Ocean in America, down south in Louisiana to be precise.  I was getting ready to leave home for the weekly Sabbath service when I read his message.  We spoke for many hours each day over the next week learning everything about each other, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I deliberately shared my worst in order to put him off as I believed at the time marriage was not for me.  Even though I tried my hardest, it did not work.  It was very obvious God had plans to bring us together.
The following Sabbath through a series of events that had never happened before, and one of which God drew my attention to was a sermon all about marriage.  The scheduled sermon would not play and after quite a bit of delay trying to get other sermons to run, finally the Deacon was able to show something which was not intended to be seen that day, however God had other ideas.  Usually I do not give much attention to marriage sermons and think to myself…”Oh here we go, this isn’t for me but the young people can hopefully glean good advice from this”.  My attitude was always one of disappointment learning we were about to hear another sermon on marriage, preferring anything else.  Not the best attitude to have but it shows where my heart and head were at — marriage was not for me after two failed when living in the world as a pagan.  As far as I was concerned it was God and me all the way until the Kingdom came and nobody would try to interfere or threaten my close relationship and that was that!  Well, this particular day God had my attention lock, stock and barrel if I can use such a term.  It was like the whole sermon was written just for me it spoke with such specifity, touching the very core of my heart.  It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life, right up there with my calling at a specific time and on a specific day — God had my attention fully.
By the end of the sermon I knew God was showing me that He wanted me to be prepared for His Kingdom and marriage was needed to complete my preparation. There was not a shred of doubt — His message was clear.  Of course I could say yes or no as free will choice is always available.  However God was able to change my mind from fear of marriage and deeply desiring to remain single until my death or change.  How He did this I don’t know but He did.  After all God can do anything — ANYTHING!  (Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 1:37).  When I returned home that Sabbath after services my overseas friend and I discussed at length regarding the events that had just happened.  We were both fasting and had clarity on God’s will for our lives.  What amazed me were the words I spoke out loud to Jim that afternoon.  They were not my words but yet my mouth opened and I said them out loud.  It felt like my mouth and mind were temporarily not connected.  I had not planned to say anything of the like but I know God must have spoken through me as it was quite astounding to me what I just said.  The words were “I am sealed to you for marriage”.  Wow!  Did I just say that?  Yes I did, but where did these words come from?  Not me!  Yet they had just been spoken into existence.  Upon reflection God must have known that I would do as He asks as I often say to Him…”Here I am, send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
So that was the beginning of my acute awareness that we are indeed sealed to God for marriage.  Never had I considered this act of sealing before.  My focus had been on accepting God’s offer to live as His bride in waiting, fully intended for eternity while we await the marriage supper, by living righteously as we resist and overcome sin.  The apostle Paul, when he wrote to the Corinthian church, used the following words which are now so much more meaningful to me as I have had this supernatural experience with God in such a personal way.  They are no longer just words on the page which I read or gloss over but are taken to heart as I can sincerely relate to 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee”.  We have been given this guarantee that as long as we remain faithful and true to our Father, who has specifically and intentionally called us out from the world by sealing us during baptism, we will live eternally as part of His God family willing to help all those who really have no idea who God is.  The enormity of this blessing is truly overwhelming at times and most encouraging to keep on living in this world which is becoming more and more perverted while plunging into darkness.  We are sealed to God therefore let us show Him our obedience in humble dedication.

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