Beautiful Attitudes




About The


British Coronation Chair

Stone Of Scone

Since the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8 this year there has been quite a few references to the Stone of Scone, also known as the Stone of Destiny, The Coronation Stone, Stain o Scuin (Scots), An Lia Fáil (Gaelic), and Clach-na-cinneamhain in Scottish Gaelic.  A less well known fact is that this stone has been referred to as Jacob's Pillow Stone, the Shepherd's Stone, and the Tanist Stone.  Now that Prince Charles has succeeded his mother as the rightful heir to the throne, he will be seated over this same stone in the Coronation Chair as plans have been made for his crowning in May 2023 as King Charles III formally takes up reign as the next English monarch.  Historical facts are fascinating and even moreso with relevant geography provided;  additionally there are many more details to learn about the Stone of Scone for which you may like to discover from the following link (which can't be relied on completely as truthful):  Then there is the most reliable source from:
Recently, through listening to a sermon on "Bible Study:  The Stone of Destiny" with the link provided here: information was divulged about the theft of the Stone by 4 Scottish students on 25 December 1950.  This was not previously known to me therefore after searching online it was discovered the relevant movie was available for free hire from one of our local metropolitan libraries.  A very wet and blustery day was perfect for sitting down to view the visual account based on the real life drama concerning the blatant removal of the Stone of Destiny, and October 31 proved to be just that.  For the most part the movie was believable except for the scene where several men carried the whole of the 152 kg stone rather "effortlessly" from the field ready for transport.  Back at Westminster Abbey at the scene of the crime the stone was dropped and broken when 3 young men had attempted to lift it out after breaking the seat of the Coronation Chair.  To recommend viewing this film by others cannot be done in all good conscience for it contained bad language such as swearing and taking Jesus Christ's name in vain.  Sad but true even though no stretch of the imagination is needed to believe this was authentic at the time.
There is also a book to read if one is so inclined but I think the movie was enough for me.  The electronic booklet "The Throne of Britain:  Its Biblical Origin and Future" has a suggested reading time of 32 minutes which will do me nicely as it has been quite a few years since my first read.  It is so comforting to know that the Bible always contains God's Truth which we can trust and so we can refer to Genesis 28 for the account of Jacob's dream on his "pillow" stone.  The direct quote below has been taken from Appendix 7 "Looking to the Future — When all the evidence is brought to bear, there is strong reason to believe that the British coronation stone, the Stone of Destiny, is indeed Jacob’s pillar stone, which sat at the base of the visionary ladder to heaven and came to designate the house of God.  Its story was carried into foreign lands by migrating Israelites, where it was corrupted into the baetylus of Greek religion.  Anointed by Jacob, the stone was later used to crown the rulers of the house of David in ancient times—and it appears to still be the stone used to crown the rulers of David’s house today".  If this has whetted your appetite for more then Appendix 8 is also provided here for your information.  Whether we agree or not that the current Stone of Scone is authentic, you would agree that this topic is of immense interest to those who are completely devoted to God and are part of His earthly flock soon to be made kings and priests in His Kingdom once Christ returns to set up His government, the final earthly government of perfect rulership (Revelation 5:10;  20:6, 1 Peter 2:9, and Daniel 7:14).

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