Beautiful Attitudes




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Psalm 33:18&19

Stuffed Full Of Stuffing

Let me tell you about the time some years ago when my working life as a single mother was full and to meet all of my commitments without stressing I thought a clever short cut would suffice.  Well imagine my surprise (and shock) when cutting open the roasted chickens in front of others celebrating the Days of Unleavened Bread; there in full view was not one, but two birds stuffed full of stuffing.  If I could have disappeared into thin air it would have helped the embarrassment at being so clueless and unaware of what had just transpired — stuffing is full of breadcrumbs!  How could I have been so blind as to what I thought was a problem solved?  Thankfully all those present were very understanding about my mistake.  Then there was the matter about not realizing that the vacuum cleaner needed emptying to dispose of all those crumbs sucked up from the kitchen and dining room floors where most of the crummy bits and pieces lay.  At least that boo-boo was a hidden oopsie yet God knows and sees all that goes on.  Thankfully and more importantly He also knows the intentions of our hearts and understood just how upset these mistakes made me feel, and that at least there would be no repeating them again due to practical learning of going through these experiences designed to promote growth.  Deleavening this year produced an interesting and new experience of finding deactivated yeast in a box of fillo pastry.  The yeast was present but the raising part of it had been deliberately rendered inactive therefore it was acceptable to keep as the extremely thin sheets of baking product were anything but puffed up.  This was a new one on me which confirms we are always learning until our last breath, therefore we keep on keeping on with teachable minds and hearts.
Years later newer members have shared their mistakes which are pretty much the same things and we can commiserate and empathize with one another with understanding smiles for our human nature.  It is one thing to deliberately do the wrong thing and sin, yet quite another when our silly mistakes were not intentional as we go through life learning and growing, yearning to be righteous but stumbling at times somewhat like children who have not yet quite developed and refined their motor skills.  God is so loving and compassionate, our biggest supporter, desiring us to do well and urging us to listen to His important instructions within the Bible.  Now if only I had seen, read and absorbed the part where God says to prepare the food ourselves — that would have solved my problem of buying store bought ready stuffed chickens.  Here are His words in Exodus 12:16 "On the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and on the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation for you.  No manner of work shall be done on them; but that which everyone must eat—that only may be prepared by you".  That only may be prepared by you…my hands, your hands, our hands making everything we bring to eat and share with brethren.  Simple, effective, profound, and good.  God always knows what is good for us and no wonder He gives us this directive. 
Do we listen?  Do we take to heart these lessons?  We absolutely do because our finely tuned conscience is pricked and takes notice with the aid of our Helper, God's Holy Spirit.  This power living within us is why we can take comfort in wanting to always do the right thing over and over again as we listen once we realize that we know what God is lovingly communicating to us from His Word.  Careful reading, praying before studying, examination of ourselves, and fine tooth combing over the pages rather than skimming through to ensure effective meditation on all that we read is vital.  God's people would definitely agree that what He says is always right even if we may not understand the reasons why at the time.  Another case in point regarding valuable instructions and directives from God concerning food preparation is found in Exodus 16:23.  Some years ago there was a memorable aha! moment when personal discovery was made that God so lovingly allows us to prepare and cook food on certain holy days such as the First and Last Days of Unleavened Bread.  This stood out in stark contrast to me compared with the weekly Sabbath when we do all our baking, boiling and cooking on the previous day known as the Preparation Day.  Thankfully we can heat up already cooked foods by zapping them in the microwave if we must enjoy hot food on the Sabbath.  Sometimes I wonder if this Sabbath day test is more about "just do it" in obedience rather than looking for ways around things which inevitably reminds me of long ago parental instruction and guidance.  The humble way is always right and who is more humble than Christ?  Our will is so faulty but God's is never so.  And so, we continue to learn with humble obedience and, of course, God desires eager, willing hearts to absorb all the physical as well as the spiritual lessons.
God is most intently watching each and every one of us to see if we will diligently seek out His Word, listen and do all that He says, and put His will above our own will.  Our choices matter and we must continue to be wise with our free will for this ensures righteous, obedient living.  And so, each year for however long or short we are blessed to keep these forthcoming annual holy day festivals, we must endeavour to please our Father with all that we think, say, and do in order to emulate our older brother Jesus the Christ.  The following scriptural quotes from within Psalm 33 are so interesting and beneficial to meditate upon, therefore please allow me to encourage you and provide edification from God's inspired words in Psalm 33:13-15 and 33:18-19 as we ready ourselves to solemnly observe in awe with heartfelt, deepest respect the Passover and all that the Days of Unleavened Bread symbolize, including meaningful celebration of the Night To Be Much Remembered/Observed.  The beautifully obedient and selfless actions of Jesus Christ should humble us like nothing else can as we reflect on His words in John 10:14-18 "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.  As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.  And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.  Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again.  No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself.  I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.  This command I have received from My Father".
We should become ever more focussed with determination, with diligent and consistent vigilance as we progress towards God's soon coming Kingdom to fully surrender our will to our Father like Christ did as He willingly gave His life for you, for me, for all of humanity whether we knew Him or not.  That is a big reason why the Bible says He first loved us in 1 John 4:19. Notice also 1 John 4:9-10.  God owns everything yet He gave us free will so let us show Him how thankful and grateful we are by not stuffing up anything further.  Therefore, we have carefully considered thoughts about the decisions we make which need to line up with His Word because we willingly choose to have them filtered through every word contained in our precious Manual for Life containing 66 books of wisdom.  So, let us fill up on Christ as we empty ourselves of pride and willful ways symbolized by the yeast found in bread and products such as stuffing that we are so willing and eager to remove.  While we have a very productive time as we deleaven you may like to listen to a good sermon, therefore a link is provided below to click on.  Also, one more thing, don't forget to remove all the leavening and leavening agents by getting it off your property.  This year for us it means we need to make an external bin drop a few days after our council rubbish bins are emptied.

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