Beautiful Attitudes




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The Middle East

The Middle East

Here in Australia, far removed from the vicious attack on Israel, culminating in war initiated by Hamas, we watch daily news of such brutal terror, the likes of which we cannot comprehend or understand to any degree at all.  The average Australian cannot understand because they are missing an important connection which is revealed in the very pages of the Bible, God's gift to man.  Some who do have understanding have shared their experiences through the links below which contain truthful and valuable information for anyone who desires an accurate background without investing lots of time and may not want to search very far for it.  Also, there are many accounts with a mixture of truth and lies out there online and throughout the media, thereby making it difficult to distinguish what is truth and what is error, especially in these times of cancel culture, and what is said to be "my truth" and "your truth" and regarded as the new norm, which is utter foolishness to those with wisdom.
Those of us who read the Bible daily and study it with a keen interest know that to even begin to understand what is going on in the northern hemisphere, in the heart or ground zero of the Holy Land, we need to begin at the beginning in the book of Genesis.  There is much to read about a man named Abraham (Abram) — the father of the faithful — married to Sarah (Sarai) who was barren and unable to have children.  God revealed to them that He would bless them with a son, however they did not wait on God's time due to their old age, but relied instead on their human reasoning by taking matters into their own hands.  Sarah encouraged her husband to go in to her handmaid Hagar who bore a son named Ishmael.  After at least a decade, the son promised to Abraham and Sarah was born and they named him Isaac.  Isaac was the rightful heir and considered the first born by God's will and what He had in mind from the outset.  Isaac had two sons named Jacob and Esau.  Jacob's name became Israel because God changed it as He often did with those He was working with, and thus we know Jacob to be the father of the Israelites.  God blessed Israel and He also had blessings for Ishmael, but these were not the same, nor could they be because there is only one rightful heir to the land called Israel.
The decision Abraham and Sarah made to circumvent God's instructions has had ramifications down through time that neither of them could have possibly thought of.  That is why it is always best to carefully listen to God and do what He says exactly, with no deviation, because we are now living with the disastrous consequences.  Israel was given their land as the rightful heirs by God (Genesis 12:7, Hebrews 11:8-10).  Ishmael's descendants, the Arab peoples, have no claim to it no matter what anyone else thinks or says.  What God says counts but do people listen to God as a rule?  No, they do not and instead choose for themselves what they want, what they deem right in their own eyes, all according to their free will and stacked in their favour.  Hence the mess we have now aided and abetted or influenced and encouraged by God's arch enemy the devil who will stop at nothing to annihilate and destroy humanity, as many as possible.  Satan is on the rampage using his evil influence, along with his minions, the fallen angels now known as demons of the demonic realm to bring death, suffering, torture, pain, agony, and tragedy as much as he can wield while he still has time (Revelation 12:12).
God's people are told in the Bible to pray for Israel while we sigh and cry over the abominations perpetrated in it and in this world, currently under the devil's sway (Psalm 122:6, 1 John 5:19).  We can make sense of the confusion and senseless acts of violence by turning to God for the missing link, which is God's Holy Spirit — the spiritual component that we all need.  Will you become informed with God's Truth, which is all truth and nothing but the truth?  Because it does matter what we think, say, do and believe.  The choice is yours as our loving God always gives us free will to hopefully improve our hearts and minds to align with Godly righteous character.  At least listen and read what is really happening in order to be truly informed.

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