Beautiful Attitudes




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Happy Sabbath

The Sabbath Is Like...

Ahhhhhhh...the Sabbath. Our greatest joy each week to treasure when this holy time arrives, with all week planning and looking forward to the next Sabbath. It is truly a delight to behold and experience. The Bible tells us that the Sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:27). A precious gift to keep wisely. I can remember observing my first Sabbath. Do you still have such childlike excitement as you did when you first kept the Sabbath? It is a real blessing if you do.

The Sabbath, for me, is like...a breath of fresh air; a shop full of brightly coloured candy; a garden full of gorgeously scented flowers wafting in the gentle breeze; a refreshingly long, cold drink on a hot summer's day or a hot drink on a frosty night. The Sabbath is like...a warm sunny day with plenty of time to sit under the shade of a large Willow or Terebinth tree to read the Good book. A whole day and night to completely relax and unwind, breathe deeply, and meditate richly on God’s Word. After organising all that needs to be done on the Preparation day, then entry into God’s holy time, is like having the ornate gates opened to a rich green pasture where other sheep gather to graze and feed while enjoying the peaceful tranquility that is deeply desired and afforded to those who know the true Shepherd (John 10:11, 14).

What do you think of and what thoughts spring instantly to mind as you anticipate the next Sabbath? For me it is all about the senses as well as thoughts, words and actions on how to keep the Sabbath holy and delightful (Exodus 20:8-11). My first Sabbath was kept by myself then after a few weeks, with members from one family in their home. From very humble beginnings to now meeting in a hall with a group of others in small numbers. Somehow 12 years have gone by very fast and as I sit here, pause and reflect, I wonder whether there will even be another 12 years of life as we know it. We are so blessed to be able to congregate safely where we live but we know it will not always be so.

The Sabbath is like...a happy gathering of family members who all meet in peace and are eager to catch up each week. When just one member is not present we notice. When one member is suffering sickness, hardships, or a trial, we notice and pray for them. When one member has good news, we rejoice together. Our small spiritual family is warmly close and each have something to contribute in order to function smoothly just like the Bible mentions, in 1 Corinthians 12:18-27, of the unity between all members of the body of Christ.

The Sabbath is like...a lustrous pearl of great price to be treasured. It is like hidden treasure that the rest of the world wants nothing to do with as they cannot recognise its benefits and blessings. We have been given the key to unlock the treasure chest of the most valuable gift of our lives. Each week the Sabbath adds to our treasure chest as we seek out more of God’s wisdom through the messages He inspires the ministry to deliver to feed the flocks. Rich spiritual food that is everlasting.

During the Sabbath there are so very many opportunities to give to God as well as to others. Our time, attention or focus, our words of edification, empathy, inspiration, and comfort, as well as our actions. Perhaps we sing heartily during services and sometimes provide special music; are ready to serve our brethren in any small way we see that might need filling; we may bring along tasty homemade treats to share with others always mindful of their allergies and sensitivities as we get to know each other better. So many opportunities to share our love amongst the brethren.

The Sabbath is like...a sky filled with rainbows after a downpour of much needed rain in times of drought. To keep God’s Sabbath Holy is an absolute joy and honour. For all those who are unable to get to services through genuine hardship, illness, or unavoidable reasons, brethren may be able to offer transport to services, or come for a visit with a homemade nutritious meal in a picnic basket. Time spent together is very valuable. Heartfelt prayers for those on the Prayer List are another way brethren can help in their petition to God. This is such a precious service of love when we give our time selflessly and freely. The Sabbath is like...a cleansing and the perfect time for healing. Remember all those times in the Bible that Jesus Christ healed others on the Sabbath day in His compassion? Just one of these examples of healing to refer to is found in Luke 13:10-17. There are many brethren praying for the sick and suffering, beseeching our Father to heal, provide relief from pain, and give comfort to those who need it especially on and for the Sabbath.

The Sabbath is like...the most perfect time to give great thanks for our many blessings and the perfect time to recount all those blessings, week by week, as we may easily forget them. Do we kneel down as the Sabbath commences and give grateful thanks that we have made it through another week living in these turbulent times? We must not be like the Israelites who forgot what God did for them all those years ago when leaving Egypt.

The Sabbath is like...a super charged time to take stock, refresh, renew, not only physically but especially spiritually. The Sabbath is truly a delight to those given to understand His ways (Isaiah 58:13). So let us continue to keep God’s Sabbath holy as we come out of the world each week and immerse ourselves in His goodness. Keep on keeping your First Love as everything else pales in comparison.

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