Beautiful Attitudes




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Psalm 46:10

The Silent Creeping Monster

The title of this piece of writing came to me during a morning news bulletin via the T.V. set in our motel room as the reporter described extensive flooding throughout central Victoria and New South Wales during the Feast of Tabernacles 2022.  As these words came out of his mouth they instantly grabbed my attention the day after we left the Feast site in Merimbula to head back home again, driving through these states in order to arrive in Adelaide, South Australia.  Would we see any flooding?  Would we have safe passage back home again?  Time is of the essence it would seem.  It took us three steady days of driving with two overnight stops (Lakes Entrance and Caroline Springs) in order to avoid the risks associated with twilight and darkness on country roads.  Suffice to mention that none of our national wildlife treasures such as 'roos and koalas, or the maggies, wombats, emus, foxes, and even rabbits were harmed but we did see some evidence to the contrary from previous travelers.  The weather was mild and sunny with hardly any rain which was in stark contrast to our previous journey eastwards.  One thing we were able to do on the long trip home was to stop for lunch in Mallacoota.  This was precious to me after seeing the devastating bushfires and loss of life and property not too long ago.  No wonder everyone escaped to the water as the road in and out was narrow, long and winding.  I am very pleased to report that this area has rapidly and beautifully regenerated.  As we then drove westwards we eventually crossed the border back into South Australia and saw for ourselves significant water levels under a bridge after we left Bordertown.  This was due to rising levels from the Loddon River mentioned so many times on the news and weather reports.  Another significant downpour and the road would be under and most likely impassable.
We were planning on staying for a Sabbath in Bacchus Marsh but I kept on having this sense or awareness to go home, go straight home, do not deviate or linger (do not pass Go, do not collect $200).  In hindsight I now know this was the Holy Spirit urging or impressing upon me to waste no time.  Due to the threat of golf ball sized hail and the map showing widespread significant rainfall I erroneously made the obvious connection to flooding, yet it was for another reason God was encouraging us to go on.  Once home late that night there was grateful relief as deep sleep eventually took me on a different journey but the next morning revealed that I had woken up with a case of COVID.  The test showed positive in under a couple of minutes.  Now I know why that still, small voice was patiently insistent with me.  The last time this happened was in October 2019 just before the pandemic was made known to the world.  God revealed to me after the Feast of Tabernacles that what we needed to do (tying up loose ends with goods in storage) had to be done there and then as we would not be able to go back again thousands of miles over the Pacific Ocean.  God's message to me was clear, concise and always the same — we would not ever travel back this way again.  This was very sobering, therefore we set about doing the hard work necessary before boarding our international flight, completely exhausted but satisfied that everything had been taken care of once and for all.  Again, I had absolutely no idea why God would inform me of this but knew God is always right and we are clueless by comparison. 
So my second case of COVID is here and I will gain another 4 months of natural immunity — how is that for looking on the bright side?  It is already apparent that this strain is more of a challenge than the previous case which was a niggly little cold gone in a few days.  Nobody wants to be ill in any circumstances, but unpacking a full car when feeling nauseous was an incredible challenge, for we know these things still need to be done and they indeed got done before the Sabbath.  As I slept around the clock the following night I had strange thoughts due to feverish conditions but they were transient and the fever was gone by morning.  We kept the Sabbath at home of course and appreciated the time to be still and know God (Psalm 46:10).  It truly is an understatement to say that we are so very grateful to God for ensuring we had safe passage home for there would be no way we could travel otherwise.  When we listen to God we reap the benefit of His blessings.  So many times the why has been a mystery to me but God does reveal this in His time on a need to know basis.  All I can say is that God knows best in each and every instance and we better get used to placing all our faith, hope and trust in Him for the times ahead.
While the news reporter referred to the recent flooding as "the silent creeping monster", this terminology reminds me of our enemy the devil, also known as satan, the adversary, who threw so many roadblocks in the way, on the way, and along the roads to the Feast this year.  Some flights were also affected causing brethren to miss the opening night.  There was all sorts of confusion and chaos about leading up to the Feast and during the Feast of Tabernacles with accidents and illness affecting quite a significant portion of the attendees.  While we had no choice in when I contracted the virus, if I had to pick, it would be after the Feast once the car was unpacked, but I will settle for now as we are safely home after attending our best Feast ever because it really did feel like a huge achievement.  Important reminder to self — never, ever underestimate God's awesome mercy and protection.  It is easy to do this because none of us thinks we deserve anything more from God until we prove to Him that we can consistently and repeatedly resist and overcome sin fully.  God can squash any creepy little "big" monster that projects itself with self importance and ugly pride, deluding itself that it is the most powerful thing to exist.  While our enemy is irritating to say the least, God has him completely in His sights and under His power so that the devil is in check.  Let us remember that while our enemy is creeping about invisibly to all, fooling the vast majority into thinking he doesn't even exist, we know the devil is incredibly active causing all the problems in the world. 
Our next challenge is coping with all the demonic rubbish connected to October 31/1 November and then the pagan celebrations on December 25 and 31.  We have done this before and we will do it again for we know what to do.  Onward Christian soldiers for the battle may be long and arduous for some, rather tiresome for the battle weary, and more difficult for the injured, however we know that we have all the necessary equipment we need in Ephesians 6:10-16.  'Till we meet again — for we continue to persevere in patience, joining as one in this spiritual fight until the very end.  Our Bible tells us clearly who wins this war in Revelation 22 and that is us!!!  March on one foot in front of the other, step by step each day until Christ returns having our hearts and minds full of spiritual joy as wise virgins holding, indeed clutching firmly onto our lamps full of precious oil to light the way to eternal salvation.

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