Beautiful Attitudes




About The


Purple Roses

The Ultimate Sacrifice

You gave the world a precious gift
Of the most ultimate sacrifice
Some know and thank you so
The best gift of a sinless life
Shared from humble sacrifice
So that we might live
After sin was found
In the Garden of Eden
Where the first humans knew
How to live with You, however
Everything changed when
The Devil chose to deceive Eve
Sharing in sin with Adam
Satan lied when he said
You won’t taste death
Paradise now lost, God said
However They had a glorious plan
For humanity to live again
Through the death of one man
Who came to save all again
By showing us the way of life
Where we should walk without strife
Righteously living in peace
The threat of war to cease
Loving all others with Agape
Relying on the Helper come what may
Jesus came as Christ
To help sinners change
From living lives of sin
Showing them where to begin
We focus now on obedience
Because this is truly how
We show Them our loyalty
Through self sacrificial love
Daily we kneel to pray
Looking to God all day
For strength and help to love
Others as He loves from above
His ultimate sacrifice is pure
Ensuring we have time now
In preparation to serve with
Heartfelt obedience is how
Rightly dividing His Word in Truth
Showing our Creator we can
Do all things through Him
Like us, He once came as man
Christ’s sacrifice had joy
In knowing we would receive
This gift of life evermore
Show and grow our living faith
To our awesome Father for
Giving us the ultimate sacrifice.

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