Beautiful Attitudes




About The


Depths of Despair

The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How to Deal With the Suffering of Others

The suffering of others can evoke strong feelings of anguish. For me, it was children and the most vulnerable in society. Perhaps you feel the same way? Maybe you are wondering what you can personally do to help those suffering whether from poverty, violence, depression, abuse, homelessness, war, displacement, or whatever the cause.

I used to feel utterly useless in helping to alleviate the suffering of others. I would become distressed in knowing their specific circumstances, provided on the TV nightly news, so much so I'd cry, feel helpless and frustrated, even angry and depressed. Feeling these emotions was one thing but acting on them, was quite another. Being compassionate is a good thing but how to go from realising there is a problem to being part of the solution is a huge chasm. This chasm can seem overwhelming. When we feel overwhelmed that is the best time to get into God’s word to draw from His wisdom and knowledge. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, actions can speak louder than words. For me, there is no other example so astonishingly compelling than that of Jesus Christ. Indeed the Bible states in John 21:25 “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written”. Thankfully, we have been given enough in the Bible in order to base our lives on Christ’s marvelous example to others. Can we help every single person in the world? Maybe not physically or financially. Christ said we will always have the poor amongst us (Matthew 26:11). But there is good news! Spiritually we can always help. We can pray to God who will hear our prayers (1 Peter 3:12). Go to the Father in prayer every day and make your prayers heartfelt and specific as each account of suffering becomes known to you. Pour out your heart and tell Him you may not understand why there is so much suffering in the world in which we live, but that you trust Him to hear your prayers and intervene in each specific situation, whatever that may entail.

Ask God to show you how to help others who are suffering. This is the first step. What God revealed to me was that I needed to be willing, look to Him and He would direct my way (Isaiah 6:8). That way was to pray with faith and belief (Matthew 19:26) and to help out using my talents. What are you talented at? If you are creative perhaps you can get a small group together to make useful items to send to others? Warm items of clothing, soft knitted toys, a crocheted blanket, among many other things of comfort. God will show you opportunities by having certain situations come up in front of you wherever you reside, so that you have a choice to participate in these. A willing attitude is needed. We may be able to do more locally in a physical sense and we can pray for help from God on a global scale.

We shouldn't feel helpless. The suffering of others can paralyse us or motivate us. God inspired the apostle Paul to write in Galatians 6:9-10 the following: “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith”.

In 1 Corinthians 12:26 we read that if one member suffers, all suffer along with them. We all know brethren who are suffering in one form or another whether from health issues, loss of family, loss of work, or pain — whether physical or emotional. We can give our time to listen to others and show them that we do care. Even a card with some beautiful, kind words is a start. If you are not sure what to write God provides plenty of examples from the Psalms to choose from.

Sometimes when we try to do good to others we may suffer for it. Perhaps a family member says unkind things or tells you they don’t want your help. The apostle Peter has words of wisdom recorded for us in 1 Peter 2:20-21 as follows: “...But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps...”.

The main thing is to be willing. Have a can-do attitude. Start with those around you. Get to know others by taking a genuine interest. Then take it all to God and ask for ideas. Read His word. God will show you what to do.

Be the change to others around you by setting a positive, uplifting example. Be like Christ. Be Christlike.