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Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone

Do you feel like you are living in a twilight zone where things do not make sense?  Everywhere you go things just do not add up and sit well with a healthy mind.  Back in the 70s there was an American TV show which aired in Australia of the same name.  In America it aired a decade earlier.  The music for the show is very distinctive and adds to the heightened anticipation of viewing science-fiction strangeness linked to unexplained phenomena.  As soon as I hear the words "twilight zone" my mind is instantly transported to recognise these sounds which you can also experience from the following link:  In addition, here is the link from Wikipedia to get background information and a sense of what the Twilight Zone was about all those years ago:  So now you know, unless you already knew that the twilight zone is a strange place to be.  We’ve been living in a twilight zone since even before 2020, with things becoming increasingly worse as some are aware of what is going on in this world even despite our local news not reporting on pertinent global matters but giving us a big dose of entertainment and sporting events that provide absolutely no interest. 
What constitutes or makes up living in a twilight zone?  For starters, being forced into taking an experimental medical injection, not once or twice or even three times, but to be told we all need it over and over again for the sake of the survival of humanity to combat simple cold and flu like symptoms. These words came from Klaus Schwab during recent interviews as if he is some sort of authority on what is good for humankind.  You may have surmised that the name Klaus is German even if you have never heard of him before.  Now that we have recently had the virus we wonder what all the fuss is about.  We always thought that the theory behind COVID was correct and now we know.  What a load of propaganda designed to put fear in the hearts and minds of hard working people who just want to earn an honest living.  My family are told that because they are healthcare workers they must get the third jab (which they promptly did as no jab no work) otherwise they are not protected, meanwhile the police force and teachers are now exempt from this same stipulation.  Inconsistencies, insanity and lies and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  We know the contents of the syringes prepared from the vials are filled with nefarious DNA altering contents designed to cause sterilisation as well as detrimentally interfere in a God given immune system, and any number of precursors for cancer and neurological conditions, strokes, let alone sudden death from cardiac events such as heart attacks and myocarditis.  We are familiar with SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and now we have SADS = Sudden Adult Death Syndrome where adults suddenly drop dead supposedly from unidentifiable means since the introduction of these clot shots.  There is no coincidence here.  If this is not twilight zone stuff then I do not know what is.  If we had read about this in a book back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or even the 90s we would most likely not believe it.  This is all about power and control leading up to the One World Order.  Of course nothing happens without God allowing it and prophecy from our Bibles shows that it will get much worse, culminating in almost total worldwide destruction of the human race just before Christ returns.  Thankfully God puts a stop to all of the insanity to ensure life will go on but this time according to His instructions for all (Revelation 19).
Have you heard that we are "useless eaters" and there are too many of us not worth the food we eat so mass extermination has been planned — just not in gas chambers this time?  They think they are so clever using science to baffle the average John Smith or Jane Doe behind thickened smoke screens.  Yet we thankfully still do have people who make up doctors, scientists, nurses and specialists who have sounded the alarm strongly for the past 2 years that the jabs or shots are not vaccines.  You might like to look up this term if you are unfamiliar with it to discover that it was around in the 1930s and 40s while people were being exterminated during World War II.  Adolf Hitler declared that all those with disabilities in whatever form were "useless eaters" and therefore not worthy of life.  Let that sink in.  This time it is rearing its ugly head without Hitler but with the same spirit of darkness and death.  Euthanasia has become progressively legalised around the world and heralded as if it is some kind of marvellous wonder, so if one desires a planned demise it is possible despite having palliative care where symptoms are expertly managed with pain relief ranging in oral form, skin patches, dermal creams, butterfly needles, sub-cutaneous injections, intramuscular injections, 24 hour pumps, and other slow dose infusions we have been using for many years.  Pain can be well controlled individually in the management of cancers and terminal symptoms therefore it is possible to have a dignified death.  Who are we to decide when we die anyway?  Folks, we are living in the twilight zone where we look to ourselves for answers rather than look to our Creator, the One who gave us life.  How low humanity has fallen and how high their pride has risen.
Whatever the issue we struggle with, we come woefully short of solving our problems.  Climate change, fossil fuels, the degradation of land, exploitation of others, rising fuel and food prices, war in Ukraine, unscrupulous politicians lining their own pockets, same sex marriage, abortion or the killing of innocents, corruption on every level even including law courts, what is taught to the impressionable minds of our children even in primary or elementary schools, children declaring they are sure they are no longer boys or girls and want to change starting with hormone therapy in order to appear how they feel according to the pansexual, asexual, homosexual, non-binary or make up part of the LGBTQIA growing crowd, academia with amoral agendas and constantly shifting boundaries where anything goes, and the list could go on and on ad infinitum.  Where do we stand?  Hopefully we stand for our great God wholeheartedly.  No wonder our precious children are confused for the devil has done its best work to ensure it has meddled in God's handiwork of creating all humans after His image.  The devil will stop at nothing in order to have our children in its own image worshipping the dark side all tatooed up, with multiple piercings, slashed skin from self-harm, butchered from surgical interventions they were convinced they wanted and needed, cuttings, and everything else the Bible says we must not do.
The twilight zone can be compared to this messy interim age before the return of Jesus Christ and the good news is that it will not last for much longer.  Things are now spiraling out of control with the love of many waxing cold.  People are more and more intolerant, selfish, and intent on getting their own way even if they cause us harm.  I wonder what Noah would say about living in a twilight zone for I am convinced he would have seen many things we cannot even imagine.  Was his community much different to ours?  Lot also suffered through things that should not be so and put up with too much.  How about us — do we put up with things that are against God's laws?  How long before God rescues us out of this mayhem and chaos?  Will we be ready to flee or will we be like Lot, reluctant and hesitant?  (Genesis 19:16).  Undoubtedly you have specific examples of personal experience related to living in the twilight zone.  Initially as things changed in early 2020 I felt completely powerless but that is not the way to think or live.  Now, with the passage of time and a strong relationship with God, prayer has been of the greatest comfort and I definitely experience a sense of increasing empowerment because God's will is perfect, He sees all, knows all, and intervenes according to His will.  During the coming weeks and months some of us will see strange things — things we have not lived through before and it may test you to your maximum.  God will get you through it all by strengthening your character but we must diligently listen and allow His Spirit to lead us.  Without God I can only imagine what is to come will be the worst nightmare to engulf humanity but this is exactly what Satan the devil is waiting for in order to destroy the whole of mankind.  God's elect know with absolute certainty that He will not allow permanent devastation to transpire, therefore He sends Jesus Christ back to Earth at exactly the right moment in order to vanquish our enemy and restore all things when ushering in the Kingdom of God for which we base our faith on this promise.
Persecution is coming and it is "just around the corner" as it were.  Living in the twilight zone is bad enough but what is ahead will reveal God's faithful who keep His Sabbath.  This is at the crux or heart of the matter for Satan — to have Sabbath keepers exposed and not able to keep the Sabbath as we presently do.  At least we are tolerated for now even though the vast majority find us strange and without understanding.  The coming divisions and scatterings will cause havoc on a worldwide scale and Satan will not stop until punishments with jailing and even death occur.  Despite all this craziness we cling ever more tightly and persistently to God and our Bible so that we stand for His will to be done and not our own.  Now is the time to determine that no matter what comes, we will remain completely faithful to our Father and His Son Jesus Christ for we will need them more than we need our life.  After writing this article piece, as is most often my experience, a timely sermon was placed on the UCG members website along the same topic and subject matter lines, therefore it is included here for your edification.  It never ceases to amaze me how God brings His people together over messages whether in written form, audio form, with the choice of hymns we sing on the Sabbath, and if we have eyes to see and ears to hear, then we realise and delight in this realisation that it is no coincidence but rather a repetitive form of learning He delights in giving us in order to take notice and marvel at His marvellous perfection.

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