Beautiful Attitudes




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Luke 22:42

Under Your Expert Care

This article is published on the occasion of the death of Queen Elizabeth, long reigning monarch of 70 years upon the throne of England.  While it is 9 September 2022 here in Australia as we woke to this very sad news, it was 8th September when the Queen died during the afternoon with family at her bedside.  May she rest in peace until her resurrection.  "Death comes for us all.  Even for kings [and Queens] he comes" quotation per Robert Bolt. 
There is no better place to be than under the expert care of the Master Healer, our almighty God who created us.  This is where physical and supernatural peace, as well as contentment are found and there is nothing in this world like it (John 14:27).  No matter what test or trial we go through, God ensures the temptation is not greater than we can cope with because scripture reveals this to be so in 1 Corinthians 10:13 where the apostle Paul reveals that there is a way of escape, and sometimes that way involves death.  Have you ever thought about such things as the grave being one place of safety where no man or demon can cause us any harm?  Psalm 56:4, 118:6 and Hebrews 13:6 impress upon us that once dead we are forever protected from danger in anything that has caused us pain, anguish, sadness, suffering, and sorrow in this life such as terminal illness.  We sleep until Christ awakens us to our resurrection, when we will live again free from all the physical ailments we experienced in this life (1 Corinthians 15:35-53).
Imagine seeing our loved ones as a picture of health, strong and standing before us after their resurrection.  The faded distant memory of a skeletal, cancer stricken mother lying in a hospital bed — gone, a thing of the past.  Now replaced with a laughter filled reunion as we hug and embrace making up for decades cruelly taken by disease.  Mum was only 36 years young but now she will have the opportunity to live forever!  Then, what about family members suffering from mental disease, minds trapped within minds convincing them of strange thoughts all untrue but lived as though there was no other reality.  As we reunite I notice their eyes have become clear for the first time in ages from images that once haunted and tormented them.  How good it is to have our relatives back again, fully there, being able to communicate normally with healthy thoughts.  Then there are all the ancestors never met who lived during WWI and WWII days like my maternal grandfather.  Discovering who is who will be very exciting.  Now we go back even further than this to times before Australia and America were colonized.  Can we imagine who we will meet from relatives living through the Medieval or Dark Ages?  Quite a stretch, but we will also catch up with those living even before Jesus Christ walked the Earth known as B.C. times.  Whether B.C. or A.D. we will get to know our ancestors spanning many generations, all the way back to Noah, and then some to Adam and Eve.  This will be incredible.
We are in for the "time of our lives" but first we have work to do because life goes on and it isn't over until it's over as the saying goes.  So many from among God's flock have died recently and we do think of them as tremendously blessed because they are at rest, they are in a place of safety, and they have escaped the Great Tribulation.  God was ready to take them as they had run their race (2 Timothy 4:6-7).  Depending on our age, I expect this will determine how we cope with news of terminal illness.  For those of us living into our 60s, 70s, and beyond we have had the bulk of our years lived in rearing families, working hard and doing our part in general.  Some of us are growing weary in our physical bodies but nevertheless we are as dedicated, if not, even moreso spiritually, than at the start of our journey.  We are here for the long haul whatever state we find ourselves in despite how careful we are to maintain our health.  As we age medicos keep on telling us "you can't escape or avoid your genetics". 
And so we pray daily for help physically and especially spiritually to remain close to God and for the ability to lean on His strength no matter the tests and trials we must experience and endure in order to be perfected.  This is where the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Helper gives us courage and the fortitude to manage everything (John 14:16;  26 and Romans 8:26-27).  If we have sickness we know we can immediately go to God and ask for healing.  We also know that once off our knees we can contact our Pastor or Elder for anointing, whether in person or via mail, depending on where we live.  The thing is we must ask for this — God instructs us on these matters via His Word in Acts 19:11-12 where the apostle Paul was the conduit for the means of healing.  When we ask, we demonstrate to God our faith in knowing our Creator can heal us for He can do anything but it does take belief, faith, trust, and hope that the outcome will be as we desire.  Sometimes it won't be what we want but what God wants and we may not understand, yet we realise it is for the best as God knows all, sees all, and is perfect in all things.  This may be the end of our physical life and it could happen quite suddenly.  Are we prepared for that?  Those who are at peace for God's will are.  The words of Jesus Christ are a powerful reminder in Luke 22:42 "saying, 'Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done' ".  Complete faithful obedience in action — so beautifully humble and loving.
Lately, these sorts of issues have been discussed quite a few times around the fellowship table as diagnoses have been shared and divulged from all types of maladies such as brain tumours, cancerous growths, allergic reactions, kidney failure, heart attacks, and so forth.   We see names of brethren on the weekly prayer lists read out during the service on the Sabbath for us to pray for them battling with severe issues.  It is extensive and affects all ages.  How we react to news of terminal illness personally will vary amongst us for some will get treatment and decide to be operated upon to remove cancerous growths while others decide not to.  Just this week we were notified by email of a member who went through hours of brain surgery to come out of the long operation successfully, thanks be to God.  Some are content to completely rely on God for their healing.  We do all have a choice to make and I can see bravery in either choice.  Knowing what is ahead of us according to Bible prophecy will be very challenging to say the least.  When first called by God I was curious and wanted to live through these times shortly to unfold but now this is not my desire at all.  Dead in the grave or ashes in a vessel are something to be spoken for.  But, once again, "not my will Father but Your will be done".  God allows what He allows and we trust His decision.
The thing is, God knows the exact, right moment to take our physical lives whether it be while asleep or whether we go through the process of a terminal illness or any acute event such as a heart attack.  We trust Him in this.  When we signed up to follow Christ we gave our lives freely and completely.  One scripture that was curious to me after my baptism is found in John 12:25 "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life".  Just prior to having a relationship with God, I told Him I hated the world not realising that soon after this God would call me.  Other relevant scriptures also resonated with me and left a huge impression such as Matthew 16:25 "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it".  Also, Matthew 10:39 "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it".  Mark 8:35 is closely similar with "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it".  Luke 17:33 reveals "Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it".   We can also read Luke 9:23-24 "Then He [Jesus] said to them all, 'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it' ".  It is such a peaceful contented state to be in when we realise we would be willing to give up our life in a heartbeat provided this is God's will for us.
Are we willing to really give up our temporary physical life now or are we going to do whatever we choose to extend our lives hoping to gain more years?  As a Registered Nurse my career gave me insights into what medical staff could do and what they should not do.  I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly and know that as capable as some are with God given talents and abilities, there is simply nothing like the expert care our most amazing Healer gives if we place ourselves under His care, His healing, His perfect will for us.  It is a "no brainer" to seek out God's will if we ever hear the "C" word or anything like it that threatens our life, for cancer is nothing to God for Him to remove it expertly and completely, in a heartbeat, even from the most cancer riddled human being.  Many miraculous healings are fact — some in our lifetime have experienced such miraculous healings firsthand, but if you haven’t, just check out those mentioned in the Bible where they are recorded.  I cannot decide which account is my favourite as the ability to heal is so close to my heart.  However the passage in Matthew 8:5-13 and in Luke 7:1-10 where Jesus heals the Centurion's servant is rather special because of sound faith when this was unexpected.  Not only did Christ physically heal the servant, He spiritually healed the Centurion.  Perhaps you have a favourite account of healing from the Bible and/or from your own life?  It is a challenge to have just one.  The following links provide wisdom to meditate upon:

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