Beautiful Attitudes




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Change Ahead

Upon The Threshold Of The Most Dramatic And Greatest Upheaval Of All Time

The time is fast approaching. Are you watching? Do you find yourself thinking...Are we nearly there yet? The stage is indeed being set for the end of the world as we know it. This will be no dress rehearsal but instead, the real thing. Are YOU ready?

As the weeks go by in quick succession here we are again with another Feast of Tabernacles (FOT) behind us, rapidly moving toward another year's Passover season. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday we wereplanning to attend last year’s FOT in Glacier Country, Montana. This year was my 12th FOT. As the list grows I now have to think carefully to remember the correct chronological sequence for all the places I’ve travelled. The very first Feast was at Devonport in Tasmania, followed by Merimbula in New South Wales, Bend in Oregon USA, Kawana Waters in Queensland, France, Rockingham in Western Australia for two consecutive years, St. Helens in Tasmania, Taupo in New Zealand for two consecutive years, and then Montana USA.

This year we kept the Feast in Kawana Waters, Queensland, flying out once Atonement was over. Thereafter we had a leisurely road trip back home, after visiting brethren spread out in various locations, we meandered by way of the eastern coast of Queensland over the NSW border, along the scenic highways and byways through the Blue Mountains, traversing many points of interest down through Victoria, along the Great Ocean Road, to finally arrive back home in Adelaide, South Australia.

These are the quiet times. The safe times when we can meet on the Sabbath and God’s annual holy day festivals without any problem of being found out that we are in “The Way” and persecuted for it. The cycle of life with 6 days of work then resting on the 7th day, the Sabbath, is a wonderful way to live. Such excitement all week mounting with productive activity on Friday, the preparation day, to ensure a peaceful Sabbath. Sunset Friday to sunset Saturday is holy time and it does indeed feel like holy time. There is time to think, study and meditate. There is no stress or rushing around because we have a full 24 hours to rest, rejuvenate and deepen our relationship with God our Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and our brethren. What a precious gift God has given to us! It would be easy to be lulled into a false sense of security in the rhythm we now have, to think it could go on like this for many more years. That could be wishful thinking because we want it to remain that way so we don’t have to deal with the difficult times ahead. There are many warnings to heed throughout the Bible for God’s elect to live in repentant humility with urgency. There is no time to waste in getting ready for His Kingdom. For now, savour these times before catastrophic events arrive with sudden destruction, the likes of which the world has never seen before (Matthew 24:21).

The Times They Are A Changing

Remember the song “The Times They Are A Changin”? One version was sung by the famous musical trio Peter, Paul and Mary around 1964. It is such a haunting song and right on point. There is no doubt about it — the world is definitely changing. Upon reflection of the last 60 years many of us can see that the changes are quite astonishing. Our children’s lives today are nothing like what we had growing up in mid century 1950s and 1960s. Memories of spending the whole day after breakfast with my brother and sister riding our bicycles around the neighbourhood, investigating building sites of partially built homes in the then new suburb of East Burwood in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, were good times. Safe times where we returned around midday for lunch, then back out again in the saddle until evening for dinner, pleasantly weary after all the fun, fresh air, pretend play, and exercise we had. Doors were unlocked. Most mothers were stay-at-home Mums and homemakers. Depending on the season and weather, activities centred around the whole family unit of Sunday drives to find different picnic locations in the countryside, or visits to the beach complete with ice packed coolers (Eskies) laden with nutritious homemade foods, such as egg salads and sandwiches, in differently coloured Tupperware containers. People used to visit friends and relatives on weekends by “popping in” ad hoc and unannounced. Times seemed so much simpler, quieter, and uncomplicated. People seemed less rushed, less busy, and there was time to interact with one another. What happened? Some would say progress. To a degree they would be right. But as children of God we can see far beyond that “progress” into a dose of sad reality. We know who influences this world with evil thoughts, attitudes and temptations. The devil. We counteract with 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. He has us busy with all sorts of games and pleasurable pursuits which, if not kept in check, can very well be useless time wasters.

Fast forward from the mid 20th century to the 21st century, where the development of technology has advanced so rapidly since the advent of the computer age. These days, having a mobile phone, or even a smart phone, which is really a fully functional computer that fits in the palm of your hand, is the expectation rather than the exception. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter were unheard of a dozen years ago, but now have millions, if not billions, of followers or participants. Same sex marriage is now considered a “right” rather than an unthinkable, perverted and abhorrent lifestyle. So many changes in the workplace, in education, politics, government, banking, even the way we shop. Some of it is good because of time saving benefits, while other changes are fraught with deception and danger, with a threat of identity theft not even possible a generation ago. So, do we take the good with the bad? Do we just accept what is and let it be? Live and let live is a common catch phrase today. As long as your choice does not affect my choice, then it is all good. Right? Wrong!

What does God have to say about how we live in these end times, before Christ returns? He does want us to live peaceably as much as is possible with one another, not quarrelling or causing division (Romans 12:18). But that is not the end of it. We must use wisdom and dig deeper into His Word. Reading Romans 12 in the entirety of the chapter will give a balanced view of how to behave properly as a Christian to please our Father. There is much more to discover when reading the Bible, concerning how we are to behave, and indeed we will be reading His Word for the rest of our physical lives in order to be ready for the end of the world as we know it.

Watching, Waiting, and Anticipating Christ’s Return

When the Feast of Tabernacles arrives, we have just celebrated the Feast of Trumpets, which symbolises the return of Jesus Christ to earth, when He will begin His rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Before the Kingdom is ushered in, the world has to go through three and one half years of the Great Tribulation when the whole world will suffer greatly for the consequences of sin under the rulership of Satan the devil.

The final book of the Bible, Revelation, beginning in chapter 6 descriptively details what this time, the Great Tribulation, will be like, and it is like nothing we have ever experienced, nor like anything ever before known to man. Matthew 24:3-44 contains a synopsis from Christ to the 12 apostles, his disciples, and by extension to us, of what will transpire at the end of the age of man before His return. It is shocking and gruesome to say the least. Are we ready for it? We better keep vigilantly watching our own personal spiritual conditions to ensure we are ready for what is ahead. Our complete obedience to God will ensure that we are. Therefore brethren, we should comfort one another with the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, and do all to the glory of God.