Beautiful Attitudes




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Matthew 23:27

Upside Down, Back To Front, And Inside Out

This title summarises for us how things are currently travelling in our world with regard to new laws made — supposedly in our best interests such as mandatory annual Influenza vaccinations, for things that are currently hidden from the masses sight unseen for now within healthcare and the economy;  and the machinations behind the scenes involving Church and State which will eventually all come to light.

It is plain to see that there is a Cold War currently going on between countries such as Australia and the United States with China who does not like to be questioned and exposed for any lies or cover-ups relating to the COVID-19 outbreak which is known as Coronavirus.  Time and time again we see China’s proud leaders “save face” and lie because they cannot accept the consequences of guilt and shame.  They want to appear powerful and mighty to the rest of the world while they stealthily go about acquiring foreign lands.  They must be “laughing all the way to the bank” while thinking Mr. Morrison and Mr. Trump are “soft touches”, but this time perhaps they willI not get away with it as there will be consequences — trade will be affected moreso than it already is.  National pride is a cultural thing which can be seen or manifested in a very ugly way, and even more than that, it can be cruel, dangerous and unconscionable.  The deceived people are indoctrinated and truly believe it is all for the national good, meanwhile those in power continue to exploit and rule their people with threats and punishment.  We need only to look at North Korea and wonder how the poor people can be so devoted to their leader when all is said and done. 
Meanwhile, way down south in the peaceful Pacific region, Australia has been busy putting many laws in place “for the greater good” of the understand. Personally, I was expecting to lose my right to work after 30 years of service as a healthcare worker (Registered Nurse) as it suddenly became apparent that “no vaccination, no work” rules came into force.  We were given documents that were signed and endorsed by our Police Commissioner.  Simple as that.  Fluvax proof by May 1st or don’t come to work.  How could the Commissioner know what is best for our health?  He doesn’t!  He would have had so-called experts advising him and others on the best way to proceed.  It would have sounded very convincing, of that I am sure.  He is “just doing his job” if and when Police are required to “march” all the unvaccinated perpetrators off healthcare and nursing home premises with the threat of jail time.  This is really happening people — it is not a sick and twisted dream.  Sad as it is, these new laws are now in place and here to stay.  These laws are draconian and very threatening.  So many have readily complied, including family members, thinking they are better off being vaccinated but have no idea of all the harmful ingredients coursing through their veins.  There have been jobs lost by those choosing not to be vaccinated.  I could have been one of the casualties but God gave me a way of escape for which I am truly thankful.  The details are so incredible that I am reminded again that only God can achieve His will and purpose.
Each week we see more crazy stuff happening out there at the shops and in public.  People wearing gloves while handling money, touching their face, then touching our food items without a second thought.  Clean change of gloves should be mandatory between customers.  Suddenly the world is expected to know how to use gloves and masks but they do not.  They are just doing what they are told — the only thing is, for the most part, it is inaccurate or flawed information.  Money passes through so many hands, is not clean, and harbors bacteria.  We are encouraged to pack our own goods at the supermarket now which I like very much and don’t feel guilty saying “let me do it” as I usually repack anyway due to their haste while rushing and jamming everything in too quickly with heavy items sitting on top of delicate produce such as bread or tomatoes that will spoil.  Scanning the items with gloved hands after touching inanimate and animate objects is clearly a no go zone or no brainer and I have to ask where is the common sense?  If those concerned were to have their hands scanned under ultraviolet light we would see filthy gloves as they are worn for long periods.  Some of the eftpos machines are equally filthy with caked on, dried up splatter from liquid or foodstuff (surely not splatter from coughing or sneezing???)  It is not hard to wipe these surfaces over even just once per shift.  So sad to see lazy practice. 
Now surprise, surprise!  A world famous fast food outlet in Melbourne, Victoria has identified a staff member as positive for Coronavirus.  The ads on TV show sterile shops but this is not reality at all.  If only people could wake up and practice clean habits along with quarantining when sick.  People walk into me unless I make a sharp dodge to the left or right — sometimes there is nowhere to go — expecting me to get out of their way, people walk behind far too closely, people even touch my trolley and invariably the items near the top so they can get past quickly by moving it, people say they forget to stand on the designated marked spots for social distancing, but this is happening too many times to make sense.  Some people will also laugh about social distancing as if it means nothing to them.  Malls are the worst with teenagers running and squealing rather than walking by nicely.  Wow how times have changed when we would not even dare or think of doing this sort of thing.  Shopping has become a game of tactics where it is a challenge to get in and out without anything happening — I think of Mission Impossible and the theme tune plays in my head.  It would be funny if it wasn’t such a serious topic.
I want to scream out loud “SLOW DOWN” we are not in a race!  Stop being so selfish.  We all need to share common spaces.  I truly believe road rage has moved into the shops with a new phenomena occurring — shop rage!  I really detest it as there should be plenty of time to shop, even more than before.  The bottom line is people want everything instantly.  They are not used to waiting their turn, being polite and letting others go past, keeping to the left in the aisle, waiting until others have finished getting an item, then after they have moved on we can get the same item instead of hovering over someone or just snatch and grab at an item without social distancing.  People are not carefully planning their time in order to make good use of it...they run late and expect to make it up on the road by speeding or at the shops by shopping quickly but not safely or with due consideration. It is one of my “pet peeves” as it just shows a complete lack of respect for others.  Plan to run a few minutes early then you can experience peace and calm rather than stress and accidents.  But will they?  Won’t hold my breath on this one.  More reasons to pray for strength and patience in a world heading for destruction.
God’s people already feel like they are swimming uptide or upstream and with the way things are now, it feels even more like we are living in an upside down, back to front, and inside out type of world.  If it was easy something would be wrong, right?  So while this is all going on we need to keep our cool, display good behaviour and show how things should be done even if we think nobody is noticing.  Another message during this time has been to stand still and see God’s hand, as He is with us and all around us protecting us in this time of uncertainty and loss on a ginormous scale (Psalm 46:10).  There is a time to fast, a time to prepare, and a time to get ready for the days ahead when things will be vastly different to how they are at present.  The time is indeed now!  God has given us this opportunity to prepare by having more time to study and develop an even closer relationship with Him.  This is very exciting and certainly welcoming.  How are you doing?  It is very ironic when I realise that this is what I have been praying for over the last 12 months or so — to be able to work at home or feel like I am retired or semi-retired but with the financial benefits, however it has come with restrictions such as lockdown.  There was no way of knowing this would be how it would play out.  If someone had said in 2019 that it would be like this in 2020 I would have thought they were joking.  We still go out quite a bit even for a drive, a coffee, a walk, shopping, or for some take-away because Adelaide has hardly been affected in numbers of COVID-19 or deaths.  We are told we have the best results anywhere in the world.  Who knows what next year will bring — perhaps I will not be able to work at all, and being several years younger than pension age this will make things rather interesting. 
For now we move forward one day at a time making every decision matter with mindfulness connected to Matthew 10:16 which refers to us being “wise as serpents, harmless as doves”.  As the countdown continues on to Pentecost, which will be here before we know it on May 31st, we have some precious time over 50 days since the last festival of Days of Unleavened Bread to dig deep and allow God to transform us — His children who strive to live obedient, righteous, holy lives looking forward to the promise of His soon coming Kingdom.  Until then we are reminded about the early church’s beginnings almost 2,000 years ago in 31 AD on the occasion of Pentecost.  This remarkable event is recorded for us in Acts 2:1-47 and deserves to be read and re-read with careful study and meditation to glean as much as possible from the sustenance here that God provides.
We can read throughout the book of Acts about many occasions where mention is made of God’s people — in this particular case, Paul and Silas “turning the world upside down” in Thessalonica in the best way by being filled with God’s Spirit and spreading the message of the good news of Christ’s return to earth.  In Acts 17:6 a direct reference is made to God’s people turning the world upside down.  Following on directly from here scripture talks about the assault and attack of an angry mob on the house of Jason and the challenges he faced by supporting brethren such as Paul and Silas.  Reading all of Acts 17 is highly recommended as well as the book of Acts in all its marvellous entirety to become erudite in these examples God gives to us.  We may well face these types of issues in the future when to meet or congregate with others of like mind on the Sabbath will be illegal.  What will you do?
Upon the thrilling occasion of Jesus Christ returning to the earth to usher in His Kingdom, the world will certainly be turned upside down for the ultimate good of all.  For now the Coronavirus has turned the world upside down, back to front, and inside out.  We know this is in large part not turning out to be good for humanity as we enter the beginnings of the stage being set for something much bigger to occur when people will surrender more of their rights, if not completely, and this will catch them all unaware.  As God’s people quietly and efficiently prepare now, we do not need to be caught unaware.  God gives us advanced warning and tells us by His Word found in Matthew 24:25 “See, I have told you beforehand” about the things which will happen in the end times.  We are being protected while we remain close to our Shepherd and our prayers are for us to remain under His care as spoken of throughout many of the Psalms penned by King David.  The beauty of Psalms 17:8, 36:7, 57:1, 61:4, 63:7 and 91:4 should envelope us all in faith, trust, hope, joy, comfort and security in God’s bountiful protection during these challenging times as we prepare for what is ahead, as this is just a very small taste of what is to occur.  Will you be ready?
An important scripture from Matthew 23:37 boldly states “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!  We must be willing to allow God to speak to us through His genuine prophets as they preach His teachings which are supported in the Bible, not adding to, nor taking away from, but always representing our Father and Christ with a humble and teachable attitude.  God tells us we will know them by their fruits.  Do not be taken in by false prophets as they are out there in droves under the influence and sway of Satan the devil to take away the flock, especially in these end times by any diabolical means he has at his disposal.  Deception is certainly already here but will increase to such a point where many will be deceived who did not hold onto to the Truth.  Ask God daily for wisdom, discernment, and protection from false prophets — wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing as they are numerous.  If we are close to God we will be protected and that is the best place to be!

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