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Psalm 9:9

Vision With 2020 And Beyond

We are more than half way through this most unusual year and we still have a lot more living to experience for the remainder of 2020.  Five more months after seven of them with the reality of COVID-19.  The novel Coronavirus is like a curse — it infects some strongly, yet others are infected only mildly.  So much confusion out there — who can make sense of it all?  If only we could see clearly where we are going, some might say — what do you say?  In Ophthalmologist terms, 20/20 refers to perfect vision however many of us would agree that we do not have 20/20 vision physically, but what about spiritually?  Can you see clearly with crystal clarity and sharp focus for the way ahead?  
God shows us what is ahead through prophetic writing in His Word.  We know that things are going to become much worse before they get better.  From The Great Tribulation to the return of Jesus Christ is what the future holds.  Everything else are details many of which we do not know like the novel Coronavirus.  However, we have knowledge now on this topic which is in the news every day ad nauseam.  People are sick of hearing about it.  The last couple of nights we have been bombarded with updates about “the Border Brats” as the media refers to these individuals involved in criminal activity on top of moving back and forth through Australian borders illegally.  Their rotten behaviour has caused hardship to hundreds of others now required to mandatory lock-down for 2 weeks while they quarantine.  The things people do just because they want their own selfish ways.  It is so disappointing what we are seeing in regard to human nature and equally alarming to know that some people just don’t care about others.  The reality though is that this is the world we are living in.
The specifics are yet to unfold or be revealed according to God’s will with regard to what is next for humanity.  While we all might want to know exactly what the future holds, we are told in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that we presently have a clouded or darker view of what is to come — like seeing through a glass darkly or dimly.  We can make out the large forms but it is the smaller things which are obscured from our view.  It would be like having the comparison made between lenses when placed before our eyes during a vision test to establish what we can see clearly.  When lenses are switched before our eyes one is clear but the other seems murky, clouded, like a foggy grey mist which we eagerly want lifted or removed.  We can see tiny images that we know are letters or numbers but we cannot make them out, hard as we try. Now is not the time for perfect vision of the smaller details as it is a matter of faith as well as for our own protection.  God has already revealed to His children through providing prophecy in scripture about His big plans and also reveals things as they are required by His children — only He knows the perfect time for this.  In addition we can take great comfort from scriptures such as Amos 3:7 and John 15:15 to help aid in further understanding on this matter.
Walking in faith believing what God reveals to us from His Word, we are to trust God by living each day fully engaging to the very best of our ability to produce fruit in our righteous living.  Focusing on what we can do for others, rather than what others can do for us is the right mindset.  This is what “the Border Brats” need to learn and they will have their time learning these things and all about God’s way.  Our lives are truly about patience, long suffering, bearing with one another and showing this Agape love referred to in 1 John 13:35 to others.  The apostle John set us a most wonderful example of how to love others but the best example of all is that of Jesus Christ.
Where to from here?  There is much work to do before government officials shut down all forms of worshipping God as we do now.  This year has seen our efforts to be together limited, controlled, and interfered with.  To be with brethren celebrating the Sabbath is, in my mind, much safer than going on any shopping expedition.  No more malls for me this year — just shopping in the supermarkets where one can pull up at the front door to get in and out efficiently.  Going early in the morning is much nicer as hardly any people around.  Pity it has come to this but people are not social distancing.  One young lady coughing into her hands just yesterday instead of covering her mouth or coughing into her elbow while she stood there looking around in front of us — then went on as if nothing had happened but it did — droplets were expelled into the atmosphere and hands covered in potential germs/bacteria touching products that others will touch.  Desensitisation abounds all around.  But this is just the beginning of the end.  Toughening up is required so we had all better get on and secure our battle gear to fight the good fight with all the tools at our disposal.  We can read about these in Ephesians 6:10-18.  Before leaving our dwelling place it would be wise and necessary to pray for protection each and every time.
Make the very most of our gatherings now while we can as what is ahead will be astonishing to many.  God’s people know not to fear as we have His promises of support, protection, blessing, and provision in many scriptures.  The Psalms contain a wealth of beautiful and meaningful expressions especially from the heart of King David.  One such Psalm to be read in its entirety for our benefit is Psalm 9 where we seek our refuge in God while going about His work of spreading the gospel or good news of the return of Jesus Christ to the earth again but this time to establish the Kingdom of God. 
Next time we go out for fresh air and some exercise on our walks it can be so exciting and fun to be like the postman (aka Postie here in Australia) by placing leaflets into letterboxes that allow any type of mail so that people can choose to respond by sending away for free literature.  This can be done anywhere in the world so perhaps God will motivate you through these words here to get involved in this activity while you are already out and about?  Perhaps someone will eventually begin attending services from your street or neighbourhood?  That would be so cool.  One of the best ways we can love total strangers we may never meet is to offer them an opportunity to read about God’s soon coming Kingdom.  Along the way you may meet people outside in their gardens or standing on their front porch waiting for family to pick them up, or they are just about to jump into their cars for an outing and have been able to have a quick chat. 
What we have seen is that people are either in a hurry to get somewhere or they are isolated, home alone, and appreciate a friendly natter while we offer them their letterbox drop item.  So many are frail, sitting in motorised scooters, or walking albeit very slowly with altered gaits.  Some watch through windows unable to move quickly while their little dogs bark excitedly announcing warning that somebody is outside. It may be the only person they see all day and seems like they have plenty of time to read the Church’s magazine.  Are you willing to spread the good news?  God may want to call that individual and we have it in our physical power to reach out and help by providing some information.  It is an awesome experience allowing God to use you as a vessel, imperfect as we are now, to love others.  As each week goes by we may only place 100-150 items into letterboxes but add that up over a year and it is considerable.  This is just one of the ways any one of us can fight back against the devil, by spreading good news in a very dark world, soon to be even darker.  

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