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Election 2020

Voting: Yes Or No?

Some do, some don’t.  When in the world I voted due to pressure from some family members and society at large with a strong message of “doing the right thing” and was told who to vote for according to family tradition.  Of course I did this to keep the peace and please my family.  Then God called me many years later by revealing to me that He exists, is certainly real, and the Bible is His inspired Word that I can trust.  This occurred rather suddenly and dramatically in the space of reading one page out of a booklet I sent away for about the devil.  Admittedly I was not interested in God, but in the devil I am ashamed to say, before God rescued me from myself and the world’s ways.  Since coming out of the world by being separate to it spiritually while still living in the world physically, I no longer vote.
Consider the stance of agreeing that voting is our right, our choice, and if we do not vote then we are “doing nothing” according to those who present this point of view.  You would be correct on the one point — it is our choice.  God gives us free will in everything and we are told to choose wisely, not with human reasoning such as this, but with Godly wisdom.
Using Godly wisdom would mean that we would not be “doing nothing” as they say but instead the greatest thing we can be doing and the only thing we should be doing — PRAYING.  James 5:16 tells us how important prayer is, for prayer is incredibly powerful.  I have been somewhat guilty in underestimating the power of prayer at various times in my life.  I think we all have to an extent.  Praying is certainly not “doing nothing” but rather doing something and the very best thing we can be doing and the only thing we should be doing — beseeching our Heavenly Father to direct all things for HIS WILL to be done.  Praying with humble, contrite hearts is showing our faith in God to direct all matters and trusting Him to place whom He will in power.  Voting is using faulty human logic and our own rationale to take matters into our own hands.  We must not be guilty of ever elevating our thoughts over God’s thoughts. Been there, done that, no more, for this is how Satan operates. 
How anyone who is led by God’s Spirit can think voting is right is absolutely astounding to me because that would mean God is also doing nothing in their eyes.  God allows evil for now.  He is allowing all forms of government before His Son returns to earth to usher in His Kingdom of God.  Every time evil abounds do we think God “turns a blind eye” or does not care?  Of course not, for this is ridiculous.  God tells us to live in the world but to “come out of her My people” (Revelation 18:4).  We are not to join in with their ways.  We are not to vote.  When will people learn that nothing is done from our own power or might?!  Imagine voting for Donald Trump in the forthcoming election if it is not God’s will.  Instead God may very well decide to further remove even more of His blessings to hasten the time of Christ’s return.  We have been given plenty of time to change from our Father who is patient and longsuffering but only up to a point.  God will ensure that the leader who comes into power will be exactly the one He has in mind.  God certainly does not need any of us meddling in worldly affairs.  Instead, He desires us to separate ourselves from this system and all ungodly systems.  None of these systems will extend over or exist into God’s Kingdom for they will be obsolete and shown to be part of this present evil age.
Do you really want to be deceived in this matter?  Surely not.  Think about it.  We are puny, weak human beings who are full of pride, with egotistical thoughts and selfish attitudes, carnal human nature with feelings of envy, jealousy, competition, greed, lust for power and to have things our own way.  Sound familiar?  This describes Satan, our enemy the devil, accurately.  If we vote we align ourselves with him.  We are engaging with the systems of this world which are under his control but thankfully only up to the point which God allows.  Some biblical examples to review include King David who was tempted to number his army by the devil to assess the state of his power against other nations rather than relying solely on God, and there were hefty consequences for doing so (1 Chronicles 21).  We can read that God was displeased at this.  Why?  Simply, it shows lack of faith.  We must not engage in the world’s affairs; even if we think we have the best case for doing so, we are wrong.
Another account is found in Judges 7 of the example of Gideon, where God significantly and systematically reduced the numbers in his army because there were too many and they could easily have won the battle relying on their own might and power.  Judges 7:2 states “And the Lord said to Gideon, ‘The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me’”.  This is a good reminder and lesson for us.  We should NEVER attempt to rely on our own might, power, strength and ideas to save us in any given situation.  This is where so many go wrong beginning with Eve when she ate of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).  Satan deceived her just like any one of us can be deceived — he can make anything appear good to appeal to our base desires (1 John 2:15-16). 
Repeatedly the messages in the Bible from God to His people (not the whole world at this time) are to show faith and put ALL our faith in Him.  We should know God can do anything (Matthew 19:26) and we need to be constantly reminded to get out of the way of God’s will.  All of us are rightly concerned about who will lead America after this election with Donald Trump being the obvious choice to “make America great again”, rather than the other choice which would surely hasten the downward spiral into chaos.  Even if Donald Trump is reelected, as divided as the country is at this juncture, its downfall could still be imminent through another civil war.  Exodus 14:13-14 reminds us to stand still and see the salvation of our LORD for He will fight for us.  Let us all fast and pray in earnest for God’s will and not our own will which is incredibly faulty.  Christians simply should not vote as God takes care of this for us.  To vote is to compromise, is sinful and unlawful in God’s eyes.  It is lawlessness for which everyone will give an account.  You see, if we are to take Scripture seriously, we would realize that we are ambassadors for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.  Ambassadors do NOT take part in the political processes of their host country, which would be a violation of law in both the host country and the country the ambassador represents.  In this case, the host country would not prosecute, but do you think for one minute that the Kingdom we represent will not call us to account for such an act of rebellion?  Yes REBELLION!
Finally, Romans 10:1-3 advises us via the apostle Paul “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.  For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.  For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.  For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes”.  This is a powerful warning to heed.  Don’t let the devil deceive you like he did with Eve almost 6,000 years ago.  He is up to his old tricks again and very active in spreading deception around especially within the Church of God as we have the Truth and he cannot stand it.  The only way he can get us is for us to fall for the deception of compromise.  Voting is one of those deceptions.  Only God can help you remove this deception.

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