



About The


Wheat & Tares

Wheat And Tares

Why oh why does it have to be this way?
Well let us see what our God has to say,
About wheat and tares living together,
No matter the season or the weather.

Gathering up tares may uproot the wheat,
This would certainly not be so neat,
Therefore we leave them be for now to grow,
All will be revealed in the final show.

Enemy planted weeds among the crop,
Tempting to remove via chop and drop,
But this won't work even with precision,
Uprooting weeds causes much division.

Parable written in Matthew thirteen,
Twenty four to thirty and in between,
Both need to be in place until the end,
Harvesting time will produce dividend.

So let us develop our faith and trust,
Both growing and grains sprouting as we must,
The Reaper separates His selection,
Revealing good seeds sown to perfection.

We focus on healthy maturation,
With goodness and righteous saturation,
Ready for gathering into His barn,
Resisting and overcoming all harm.

The Kingdom of Heaven is well worth it,
A lifetime allowing pruning each bit,
For the growth that comes pleases God so much,
Our Master Gardener has perfect touch.

As we learn with wisdom and discernment,
Aware of interference from serpent,
God ensures divine protection, He cares,
To focus on loving both wheat and tares.

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