Beautiful Attitudes




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Exodus 20:16

Why Are You In Such A Hurry, America?

It had been exactly 2 years since our last visit to America when we returned last October.  With “fresh eyes” on the situation, it is clear that there are noticeable differences there since 2017.  As before, we had much opportunity to drive through several states on our road trip which gave plenty of time to experience how others drove their vehicles on the freeways.  Human nature seems to be somewhat similar whether in Australia or America — people speed way above the speed limits, some openly talking on their cell phones without so much as a sideways glance to see if police are looking.  And yet, there is a difference between these two cultures.  In the States, there seems to be no fear of the consequences, nor any shame if caught.  Australians will tend to see if any Police are about and base their decision on this.  Maybe this makes us more sneaky or calculating?  I don’t know.  But the blatant disregard for road rules through significant speeding way above the limits no matter what these were set at, the reckless driving while changing multiple lanes without any indication even in the dark, left me almost a nervous wreck!  Day after day we saw flashing red and blue lights on Police cars with sirens blaring chasing speedsters and giving tickets.  It did not matter whether it was 8 am or 8 pm, midnight or the middle of the day — the traffic was horrendous.  Why is everyone in such a hurry?

My thoughts went to “Stop the world, I want to get off!” Ultimately I felt very sorry for the people there who are living in what has been termed “the rat race”.  We used to use this term many years ago when I first heard my father speak of it way back in the 70s.  If that was the rat race then, this has been ramped up to such a level it is now almost impossible.  Driving on the freeways there, one literally takes their own life into their hands as it is that dangerous.  Thankfully we are protected by God as we pray for His divine protection daily.  One day we were driving along about to come to a yield or give way sign when suddenly the car in front of us collided with the car in front of them.  It played out as if I was watching a movie — I sensed it was about to happen based on the way the driver was tailgating the car in front.  I then said my thoughts out loud as I was becoming increasingly concerned, and seconds later bang!  Rear ended.  Totally avoidable and preventable.  Again I think to myself, “Why is everyone in such a hurry?”
Americans are a focussed bunch, however their focus for the most part is not where it should be.  This is quite a generalisation to make, I know.  We traversed many a multi-laned highway through Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Arkansas this time.  What left an impression with me is that there continues to be a big divide.  This has been evident since first visiting this country back in 2000.  The homelessness, the poverty, the drug addictions, so many men and women staggering about aimlessly on main roads while under the influence of substances such as alcohol, even first thing in the morning.  So very sad.  There were people aged in the prime of life, middle aged, and elderly, sitting in wheelchairs literally in the middle of the road with cars flashing past either side, apparently not caring if they lived or died.  These people are barely going through the motions of life — the vacant expressions on their faces show a tortured hollow shell.  Whilst these people do not look like they are in any hurry at all to live a purposeful life, they do look as though they are in a hurry to die.  Why is everyone in such a hurry I repeatedly ask myself?
The apathy clearly evident on the faces of these people tell a story of hopelessness.  Yet among those we spoke to with clear minds, we were told how, under the leadership of Mr. Donald Trump, that there were so many jobs available now and unemployment is at a new record low.  This is believable because everywhere we went we saw help wanted signs posted in shops, fast food outlets, restaurants, and gas stations.  One DVD store lamented on not being able to get enough applicants to apply as they are about to embark on their busiest season of the year.  The manager kept repeating that it will be brutal to manage without extra staff.  Why is this so?  It is obvious there are many who could benefit from employment, yet their choice is to stay on welfare and sit outside their dwelling while watching the world go by, feeling depressed and lost.  It definitely seems as if they have given up — it is too hard to try — they will never get to where they want to be — so they are slowly and assuredly being destroyed through the efforts of the devil who has been given temporary authority to control the world’s systems (Luke 4:6).  The devil is certainly in a hurry to kill all of humanity, and from what was observed, he is working hard at it!
America — A Land Divided against Itself
Therefore it has duly been concluded that there is a great dichotomy between the peoples of this great land.  They are a house divided against itself in many ways, especially with governance, and we all know this cannot be sustained for any length of time (Matthew 12:25-26).  On the one hand we have those who are busy and in a hurry to build wealth legally, while on the other hand, those who are busy in their involvement with plotting and scheming and not concerned in building wealth the lawful way.  Those in the other category of having a purposeful life in balance by placing God first before themselves were not evident in the world except in very small glimpses.  The vast majority of the masses were kept busy with working and driven to achieve and rise above mediocrity.  Personally there is nothing wrong in having mediocrity in worldly ways as long as one has a great spiritual life.  Proverbs 11:24 and Proverbs 13:7 speak of this, yet people of the world would not be able to understand this riddle or enigma as stated in Proverbs 1:6-7.  The wisdom of Agur written about in Proverbs 30 is an interesting read also to support balance in leading a righteous life free from worldly trappings.
As sad as it is, we must go through and endure all of this sighing and crying until Christ returns (Ezekiel 9:4).  It was prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago and now here we are.  Indeed it will not be long now.  If the world would only repent and turn from their wicked, selfish ways transmitted and encouraged by the devil, then there would be hope for mankind in this lifetime.  We are living in what is referred to as this present evil age (Galatians 1:4).  The days are evil as the Bible says in Ephesians 5:16.  Mark 3:24-25 sums everything up quite accurately for what the world is going through and what it will go through even more profoundly in the next few years.
Americans (descended from Jacob’s grandson Manasseh) deeply love their country but those who do not want to hear the truth, become easily offended if anyone says anything remotely different to what they want to hear, such as “America is not as great as it once was as blessings are being removed”.  Their country, as we know, has been largely looked up to throughout the 20th Century and even into the 21st Century as the world’s leader, protector, provider, and “policeman”.  However America has many enemies intent on its destruction.  Just think back to 9/11.  Australians (descended from Ephraim) love their country too but are definitely a different culture, much less likely to be offended as we are more “easy going” or “laid back”.  Both countries are part of the English speaking nations blessed by God due to the faithful obedience of Abraham.  However these rich blessings are now being removed as we prepare for the sobering times ahead leading up to the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-28).  Solid historical research in reading “The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy” is highly recommended as further reading to understand how God is working with His people in these end times.  This booklet is a fascinating read and explains so much to fill in the gaps to understanding what we are experiencing now.
Why is America in such a hurry?  America is under attack.  Satan is incredibly busy even working in an insane frenzy to wipe it off the face of the map, so to speak.  The people are told they are living in the greatest country on earth.  Are they really?  This is sadly wishful thinking by those telling the masses lies.  But then again people down through the ages have always wanted to hear soothing, or pleasing words, therefore they rejected the Truth (2 Chronicles 24:19, Zechariah 1:4, 2 Kings 17:13-15, and Nehemiah 9:26).  God so lovingly sent many prophets (Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Amos, and many more) to warn, but their messages went unheeded, or even rejected.  Americans once were living in a great land but now it is just a shell of what it once was.  It sits rotting and decaying amongst the beauty God created for His children.  The people are clearly suffering from results based on sinful decisions they have made.  Most are asleep or ignorant while others know something isn’t quite right — they are concerned but don’t have the real answers.  We know only God does.  Consequences are definitely catching up with their sinful behaviours.  All the lustful greed, the pride of life in the me first attitudes seen on the roads, the me first attitude in whatever they want or do, “I want it now and I want it my way” or I will sue you...see you in court, all part of the American psyche with a proliferation of massive billboards plastered over the countryside, sometimes repeated one after the other to the point of ridiculousness.  What a stark contrast to other countries.  American pride is the very thing that will cause them to fall.  The Bible clearly points this out for the reader in Proverbs 16:18.
May God help America as they have lost their way.  They started well but now have removed God from virtually every aspect of their lives.  May God protect the Americans’ elected leader Mr. Donald Trump who could very well be “the last trump” before the whole thing goes down and implodes against itself.  America needs to slow down, breathe, return to God by repenting of its collective sins, and seek out a real relationship with God rather than fall for the wicked ways of the devil who has the masses entertained, engaged in pornography, killing their babies, divorce is rampant, idolatry abounds in all phases of life, murdering one another as even children think other children are the enemy!  The deception is so great, only God can remove it if the people are willing.  Let us therefore pray the more earnestly for our beloved Americans who we so want to be helped and restored to their former glory.
Rather than being in a hurry to make money to serve themselves and their false idols, America needs to be in a hurry to recognise their depraved state and repent most deeply on their knees to our God most High before it is too late.

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