Beautiful Attitudes




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Isaiah 6:8

Writing Patterns Of Evidence

Recently I watched and listened to the three interviews which formed parts I, II, and III, where the interviewer Darris McNeely from the United Church of God and the interviewee Tim Mahoney, film maker, writer and director of the “Patterns of Evidence” series, gave an interesting account about his work over the last 20 years or so.  My expectations were that Tim would definitely and strongly prove the case for accuracy and veracity of the Bible as there is no doubt, not even a niggle in my mind, because on the day I was called by God, He removed every shred of life long doubt then and there, once and for all.  Remarkable as that sounds, it is true.  From that day onwards I became one of God’s disciples, imperfect as we all are and as it is spoken of in the scriptures (1 Corinthians 1:26-27).
There was no real expectation of gaining anything personally while watching these interviews, yet as I listened with increasing interest Tim Mahoney said something that really connected with me.  It is so ironic how God has worked in his life, my life, and all of our lives.  We are here for a purpose and God can use anyone to do anything and get us to the point where we humble ourselves and allow Him to mould us from a dysfunctional piece of clay into a beautifully formed vessel with purposeful function in order to serve and help others.  We can read about this process in Jeremiah 18:1-10 where God is the Master Potter and we are His clay.
Mr. Mahoney believes God has given him the talents, gifts, and abilities to “dig” out the truth archaeologically, and decipher this truth against the background of the Bible  to write, direct, and make a series of films which accurately show that the words of the Bible are indeed true and can be trusted over the thousands of years they speak about...from the time of Moses when he led the Israelites out of Egypt and from there the miracles God performed for His people such as parting the Red Sea to walk on dry ground.  Tim Mahoney began with faith but during his life he started to have some doubts and questions about many things in the Bible.  God has been working with him to enable these films to be made and Tim has endured many challenges such as leaving family behind, going into dangerous areas, as well as facing issues from the politics behind archeological finds.  God has continued to protect him, as He does His people.
How about you?  What has God asked you to do for Him?  Has He revealed in prayer what you should be doing?  All I know is whenever there are challenges to face it is best to take them all to God and put Isaiah 1:18 into practice.  Seeking our Father’s direction, wise counsel and advice is the most wonderful way to proceed before going forward.  This is something I attempted to do when trying to learn from the amazing example of King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 19.  And so this was how it happened for me some years ago when I went to God in prayer on my knees with simple yet heartfelt words of what shall I do...what do you want me to do to replace time that could be used for a better purpose instead of falling asleep in front of the television each night after a gruelling day at work?  Immediately God put His thoughts into my mind — the best way to describe how He did this was exactly like my calling — it is something supernatural yet unmistakenly from God — knowing He was communicating with me.  Now some may say God doesn’t work that way and He only speaks to us in modern day times through His Word.  He does that too.  However, we cannot limit God.  God can do anything (Matthew 19:26) and He knew I must have needed something like this in order to get my attention.  It worked and so I began writing...not confidently but still writing because God asked me to.  I was full of doubts but shouldn’t have been — I mean I did not doubt God for a second;  only myself.  Truly, I thought it would fizzle out and much like many who try to write and get rejection after rejection, feeling like a failure, then stop. 
Upon reflection it is amazing what happened and now I realise that to have a very close relationship with God is the very best thing that could happen to anyone.  Many a time God astounds me with His purity of mind, perfection of wisdom, merciful heart, delightful sense of humour, His Spirit of righteousness combining with specific intent that is exactly right for each one of His beloved children.  It seems like I somehow stumbled on this incredible relationship, initially full of doubts and fears with worries up to the third heaven.  One by one God has put these all to rest.  Yet here I am and the words of Isaiah 6:8 resonate deeply within me “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:  ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’  Then I said, ‘Here am I!  Send me’”.  As much as the unknown may be scary or absolutely terrifyingly foreign to any one of us, all I know is that we must be willing.  Did Moses ask for his duties?  Did Abraham...or Sarah?  What about any one of those we read about in the Bible?  No, not one volunteered their skills or talents as they all had doubts and fears.  Think of Jeremiah, David, Paul, Hannah, Deborah, Abigail — so many men and women who served the LORD our God despite tremendous adversity at times. 
Writing is one of my absolute joys as I never know what I will be writing about, how the pen will “turn” and sometimes change to write something that astounds me as I had no knowledge of it when beginning a piece.  The pattern seems to be that a title is given first which may often be a common theme during any particular week, then this spurs me on with inspiration from above.  All I can say is that I did not ask for this gift but am nevertheless truly grateful for anything God given.  Scripture once again reminds me through the very words of Gamaliel in Acts 5:38 “And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone;  for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing;  but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”  Other exciting joys involve filling Beyond Today stands with magazines, popping them in laundromats around the country, letterbox dropping leaflets around the different small towns and bigger cities wherever work takes us as God provides.  The leaflet on “What happens after death” is a personal favourite of mine as working in palliative care I find so many have questions about death, plus death happens to all of us...right?!  Surely someone will respond as so many are grieving loved ones.
Beloved, do God’s will and not your own and you will see how blessed we are!  Tim Mahoney is filming patterns of evidence while God has asked me, the lowliest of the low, to write patterns of evidence which involve personal experiences that may one day be destroyed as they are physical collections of words declaring God’s glory yet who knows what they might be used for in the future — only God knows how far reaching they may eventually spread — we simply do not know now.  The message is to be willing, be open to what God wants you to do and go to Him if you haven’t done so already like Hezekiah and find out.  Perhaps you will also be writing patterns of evidence too?

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