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Isaiah 30:8

Written For Time To Come

Some of us are writers and we write willingly because God has asked us to serve in this way while deep in prayer.  How can you say no to God?  Having reservations, yes, this is reasonable, but if you have ever said to God in prayer “Here I am, send me” then you had better prepare for what God’s will is and He will definitely give you the gift or talent and ability to do His will (Isaiah 6:8).  Before writing I was more than content with organising and sending cards to the sick on the prayer list (incidentally one of those turned out to be my future husband);  helping brethren where there was a need I could fill;  sitting attentively listening to sermonettes and sermons in order to soak up the messages;  sharing with my congregation how God was working in my life with blessings each week or trials and hoping to receive this from others to edify one another and truly get to know my spiritual family;  setting up the hall for services;  bringing church booklets along each week;  making tasty chicken, cheese, and salad sandwiches which were always popular to share and my most requested;  and then helping with all the cleaning up.  This is how I saw my life in God’s Church until my eventual and inevitable demise.  Contentment at a high level brought great peace because I truly felt completely fulfilled (1 Timothy 6:6).

However God had more in mind for me which manifested in writing articles to edify and inspire others through the written word — especially some long-timers who needed a boost in encouragement, and also to those in the world who are trying to make sense of things going on around them.  And so, I settled into this new phase and came to really enjoy it.  If this was not enough, several years later God brought to my attention a man I was not seeking.  Ironically a Facebook friend asked me to look at his picture and demanded to know if I knew him.  I thought this strange at the time, but in the end I had a quick look to make her I did not know him!  That was June 2016 — October comes along and the same man contacted me through another mutual friend to be friends.  My thoughts were — that’s nice and went on my merry way.  Within being introduced on the Sabbath and through many hours on Messenger (like a phone call but free) we could hardly believe how similar our lives were.  The following Sabbath God spoke curious words through my mouth of being “sealed” in marriage to Jim and while I spoke these words to him I marvelled at what I said.  My mouth said one thing but my brain was in another department as it were...I just don’t talk like that!  Very unusual isn’t it?! 
But you see I think God knew He had to work with me in this way as I wasn’t planning to marry again after 2 marriages in the world.  Been there, done that!  My life was locked in 1:1 with God and no man would have the chance to pull me away from my faith despite several offering me marriage over the last few years. However, Father had plans in mind for me related to Kingdom preparation.  I met more than my match — God knows what is better for me than I do.  Instead of resisting God’s will I now know to listen in prayer, meditation and by fasting with all the ways the Holy Spirit leads us.  It takes time to keenly listen and know because God does not jump up and down with a loud voice to say CHOOSE HIM or WRITE FOR ME.  No, God is much more like a quiet, still voice (1 Kings 19:12) just letting our conscience know where we should go from here (Psalm 46:10).  Once you have the repeated experience of God’s still small voice it becomes more recognisable while faith and trust are built.  I refer to these as faith building moments. 
In prayer I agreed to write as I thought it would be nice to inspire others but I never thought it would amount to much — the process reminded me of my calling — I did not have to say yes, I could have said no because I had a choice like we all do.  God knew it would all work out and is still with me directing what I write each time pen is put to paper, but also gives plenty of freedom to include personal experiences.  He enjoys that we share our lessons with others as we build relationships and help others.  God does not micromanage for which I am grateful.  He does not set word limits but rather focuses on what the content holds.  God is like a quiet motivator, always there while generously giving ideas with article titles coming first and then I am away, off into the world of inspiration where it is just the two of us enjoying the process of creativity with some humour along the way.  A couple of hours of writing only feels like 5 minutes; it is that much fun — time indeed seems to stand still. 
God makes me laugh so much more than anyone because his humour is brilliant, pure, perfect, timely and clever.  Isn’t it awesome when we can laugh with God — this is something that took time for me as I came into His church damaged from a young age and so to have this now is simply amazing to me as I never asked for this, but I was keenly aware that God likes His children to be ready and willing to serve without expecting anything in return.  Freely we have received, therefore freely we are to give (Matthew 10:7-8).  On one occasion I was offered payment to write these articles but am thankful money was not a motivator for me (Matthew 6:24).  However God has given me so much from writing — even beautiful edification and encouragement from others who read these works which are my “labours of love”.  How ironic once again!  Brethren are so kind and appreciative with their private comments to me.
There is somewhat of a kindred spirit or degree of creative connection between writers and I am drawn to many of the prophets but would like to single out just one here — Isaiah.  God used the prophet Isaiah powerfully to warn people in ancient times of what was prophesied to come.  When reading the Bible in this modern world we likewise and by extension are warned of the Great Tribulation yet to come.  Have you considered Isaiah 30:8-14 recently?  It says “Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a scroll, that it may be for time to come, forever and ever:  that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the Lord; who say to the seers, ‘Do not see,’ and to the prophets, ‘Do not prophesy to us right things;  speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits.  Get out of the way, turn aside from the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.’ Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel:  ‘Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perversity, and rely on them, therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach ready to fall, a bulge in a high wall, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant.  And He shall break it like the breaking of the potter’s vessel, which is broken in pieces; He shall not spare.  So there shall not be found among its fragments a shard to take fire from the hearth, or to take water from the cistern.’”  We are warned that what is coming will be sudden and just about everyone will be taken by surprise because they ignored the prophet’s warning.  The announcement of the Coronavirus was sudden but future events will be much worse.
Imagine saying these strong words to people!  Isaiah had the enormous weight of this responsibility put on his shoulders by God to warn the people.  And the fiery message of warning continues.  It would be profitable to read the whole chapter to gain the severity of the situation.  There is so much packed into chapter 30 to unpack and process.  Imagine being one of God’s prophets, day after day giving messages to the people of the land while being laughed at, scorned and ridiculed.  The message “turn from your sinful ways and be saved” was clearly not popular, but needed to be said.  It would have been quite depressing at times to keep on going knowing the people were against you, but God strengthens His prophets as they stay close to Him and depend on Him.  Writing under inspiration for those of us who enjoy being helpful and creative is such an amazing experience that never gets tired or old for me, and I suspect that it was the same for Isaiah and others.  One day at a time with the most important message from God to the world.
We know that God speaks to us in these modern times not only through His Word in the Holy Bible, but also while we are in direct prayer, and also through being led by His Holy Spirit.  Is this the only way God speaks to His children?  We know God can do anything and He will reach us in any one of these already mentioned ways and if He needs to use trials, miracles, or anything else for that matter, He will.  Have no doubt.  Several years ago a man said to me “But God doesn’t work like that” in regards to God partnering me to a future husband.  At the time I thought he must be joking but he was sadly actually serious.  I remember sitting there thinking how can he say such a thing when God not only did work that way but there were so many supernatural events to ensure our wedding occurred. 
We may not all have the exact same relationship with God due to our different personalities but there is one thing for sure — Hebrews 1:1-2 says “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds”...nowhere does scripture say that God ONLY speaks through His Word in these End Times.  Never let another human tell you that you don’t have the wonderful relationship you do have with God the Father and His Son.  There is no place for jealousy or envy if we are developing the mind of Christ.  And so each week I look forward to the Sabbath when Father and I sit together with a cup of tea early in the morning as He gives me this week’s article title.  More and more it seems as though God wants me to warn all people that the time is already here to open our Bibles every day and draw deeply from the warnings which have been written from prophets such as Isaiah for the time to come and to have urgency making each day count.  Will you do this?  Or will you be tempted to stay in your comfort zone and ignore God?  Think about what happened when the Great Flood occurred (Genesis 6 and 7).  Noah and his family were saved but everyone else perished because they thought they knew better than God.  Don’t make that fatal mistake!

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