Beautiful Attitudes




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1 John 2:16

X Rated Magnetism = Lust

According to the word magnetism refers to a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, which results in attractive and repulsive forces between objects.  Magnetism also means the ability to attract and charm people.  Synonyms, or similar meaning words include allure, fascination, appeal, enchantment, draw, drawing power, pull, charm, seductiveness, sexual magnetism, animal magnetism, magic, spell, charisma; hypnotism, and mesmerism.  Antonyms or opposite meaning words consist of repellent (also repellant), repelling, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, unappealing, unattractive and unalluring.  And of course let’s not forget obnoxious.  You get the idea.
Most likely everyone has heard the terms “animal magnetism” and “sex appeal” before.  We may know people with magnetism who appear to be confident, or try to project a confident persona.  They are overly concerned with their appearance by indulging in plenty of makeup to mask their imperfections and often wear stick-on false eyelashes.  Skin tight suggestive clothing which immodestly reveals more of their body than what is decent is their preference (didn’t you know sighting cleavage is a must — only stop short of the nipple — but you can show as much as you like, the more the look fabulous darling and people will like you now...and other such utter nonsense is their mantra).  “If you’ve got it, flaunt it” is another popular saying amongst those with magnetism.  They love to wear dangerously high heels too high to balance on safely all of the time but good practice for upgrading to stilts. 
These poor deluded people try to make themselves look taller and hopefully slimmer like stick insects, with plenty of jewellery aka bling or bling bling, and fine apparel decked out like an ornament to be admired.  Whew!  All of that focus on self takes time and dedication when primping oneself in front of the mirror — hours of self worship before even leaving the house to mingle in society.  I am reminded of the movie Snow White with the wicked queen asking “Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all?” and the response — well it had better be the vain one or else!  Such ugly competitiveness, such evil!  Never satisfied with how they were made by their Creator.  Always trying to “improve” on their looks and addicted to anything that could help them appear more beautiful or appealing.  Meanwhile so many are literally damaging their skin and bodies by going under the knife.  Tragic.
They have thought of everything — even false nails — the pointy ones are making a comeback again...shudder.  They have spared no expense with injected Botox lips, eyebrows that more than hint at permanent surprise, and other treatments that focus on the exterior like hair dyed any number of colours, even including bright neon to glow in the dark — who needs a night light now?!  While they are at it might as well get breast implants, chin implants, cheek implants, liposuction of fat from hips and buttocks to place elsewhere or remove altogether.  After all, the slick marketing train tells them soothing words they want to hear such as “You deserve it” and the abhorrent lie “you only live once” so go get it baby...get as much as you can in order to be someone’s best gingerbread man/woman/gender neutral/thing/sex toy.  Revolting tripe peddled by corrupt, greedy, mercenary slave masters in slavery to Satan who was the most beautiful and dazzling of them all when, in his natural abode and state, became corrupted by pride.  Read Ezekiel 28:11-19 for a brief overview of the rise and fall of Lucifer.
I find myself thinking “Miss Magnetism” had a problem, ee ii ee ii oh!  And on her funny farm she had a concern, ee ii ee ii oh!  With an implant here, a tattoo there, here a tongue stud, there a nose hook, ee ii ee ii oh!  Everywhere a piece of fakeness, falsity, mask, and surgical intervention, to the point Miss M really didn’t know who she was any more.  She didn’t feel right unless she had all her props with her — it was her and all her props against the world!  You see, these people with “Miss M syndrome” may appear ludicrous or absurd when we see them walking down the street, but underneath the carefully crafted veneer there is sadness, fear, and depression, from tortured beings who just want to be accepted and loved.  Only thing is they are going about it completely the wrong way. 
Lust Is A Desire That Has Gone Bad
Once upon a time these “improvements” were made for members of the opposite sex — now for either sex in many cases to the point where nobody is too fussed or fazed by such a concept.  We are now living in a very perverted society who want to do what they want when they want and nobody better get in their way!  Things will get worse but it is hard to imagine worse than rings in noses, huge holes in ear lobes, studs in tongues, hooks in eyebrows, tattoos here, there and everywhere which the host says is “body art” but what we see is black ink polluting once beautiful skin that looked clean and fresh.
Magnetism could be another word for lust; they are interchangeable when dealing with humans if there are two people attracted to one another outside of marriage, or one attracted to the other but not to the same degree.  One may have stronger lust for the other, while another may be able to have control of their thoughts and actions.  So many give in to the pulls of the flesh with viewing pornographic material on TV, in movies, magazines, or even watching live shows.  So much easier to give in, let go, enjoy, feels good in the moment until afterwards when guilt sets in.  The sin of lust is powerful, so powerful in fact that it is written about at length in the Bible.  What are we meant to do about it?  We are to away from it as soon as we are confronted with thoughts or ideas pertaining to lusting after another.  1 Corinthians 6:18 says “Flee from sexual immorality.  Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body”. 
The thing is nobody is immune to lust.  We all have carnal human nature but some of us have the knowledge and wisdom to be able to distinguish between lust and love.  This is an area where people of the world are lacking.  They confuse the two concepts, which are poles apart.  To them both love and lust fill their hearts and minds with incredible feel good emotions driven by their desires, and fuelled with copious releases of hormones, such as endorphins.  This is why they are adamant that love and lust are the same.  They simply cannot understand because they have been given over to reprobate minds as stated in the Bible, refer to Romans 1:28 “Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done”.  Romans 1:18-32 gives the extended powerful account of God’s wrath on unrighteousness.  If only all would read and seek God’s will rather than indulging in their own desires.  Well, we know the devil will be throwing roadblocks all over the place to ensure the masses are kept just where they are — slaves of sin doing his bidding mostly unwittingly.  I used to be one of them until my rescue.
What are we to do?  Pray for all those in the world.  Pray for the Kingdom to come.  Love all but never condone or compromise in any way anything to do with the lust of the eyes and the flesh because that is exactly what the devil wants us to do as he knows our weaknesses.  Oh how he would delight and enjoy accusing us before God’s throne and we know he does just that (Revelation 12:10).  That means as soon as we see, hear, or know of lust and we realise it is in front of us on the TV, in dreams, thoughts, on the radio, or in any other form whatsoever, we flee.  Switch off the TV and go read your Bible or pray to God.  John 2:16 reminds us that “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world”.
A great example to read about and study from is Joseph.  He was lusted after but remained righteous.  So it can be done!  Genesis 37 begins with his account and if you read on through to 39:6 this is where reference is made to Joseph’s physical appearance of being handsome in form.  In today’s parlance that would equate to being “hot” or having magnetism.  Genesis 39:7-18 provides for our learning to understand how Joseph dealt with a lustful situation.  His example should be very encouraging and motivational to all the men out there in the churches of God. Prayers for all of God’s people who have lust as a weakness is the best gift we can give them.  Be strong, resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7).

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