Beautiful Attitudes




About The


Crippled Lady

Your Faith Has Made You Well

Have you ever been anointed and almost immediately have your health restored fully?

One Sabbath morning I awoke feeling fine as usual but when I went to stand up I could not straighten my back. In all my years of life this situation had not occurred before and I was at a complete loss as to what had happened to me.

The week leading up to the Sabbath was quite a good one, uneventful, but productive. My sleep was restful and comfortable. There was not one thing I could think of that may have caused this. As usual I got ready for services, albeit slowly, and thought to myself if the driving became too much, or the pain was too severe, I could always turn around and go home. My desire to attend services and fellowship had not waned despite the discomfort I felt. As a registered nurse I knew I was not infectious. I told Father in prayer that I would need to be in hospital or dead to miss services -- that is how much they meant to me, and how seriously I take His Word in Hebrews 10:24-25.

We all know that Luke 4:16 speaks about how Christ customarily went to the synagogue to read and teach on the Sabbath. There are many accounts throughout the New Testament in Mark, Luke, and Acts to support this. Likewise, we are to emulate our older Brother in every way.

As I walked into the hall with my stooped posture, brethren could immediately see that something was wrong. They asked what had happened to me, to which I replied, "I actually really have no idea". Our Pastor attended once a month and thankfully he was here this Sabbath. I asked for anointing, and so I was anointed before services began.

During the opening hymns and prayer I struggled, but once seated I noticed within seconds I was completely healed. I marvelled at how different I felt. There was no more pain. I could sit up straight. It was like some impediment was removed from inside me and I was free from this affliction, or whatever it was that made me bent over. I moved this way and that way all the while thinking, wow how great God is to heal me so quickly like that! I didn't expect it, but I believe He can do anything, although I was still surprised.

The Spirit of Infirmity

What I went through reminded me very much of the account in Luke 13:10-13 of the woman bound for 18 years. We were both healed on the Sabbath through faith and a willingness to show God our obedience. I cannot imagine having this affliction for all those years as this poor woman did. It made me think of how impatient I am wanting to be healed straight away after not even going through one whole day, let alone 18 years of suffering.

To think that Christ was berated by the indignant ruler of the synagogue for healing on the Sabbath, believing that healing is work. Our Lord answered by telling him that to do good is not working, and that he was a hypocrite. (Luke 13:14-17).

The Power of Prayer, Anointing, and Faith

In James 5:14-15 we read instructions on what we are to do if sick. It is very straightforward and easy to understand that we are to ask for prayers with the act of anointing from elders of the church.

I do not know why the woman took 18 years to ask Jesus to heal her. She may have asked many times in the synagogue from various rulers who refused to heal on the Sabbath and therefore did not receive healing, because they considered this to be work. We do not know. The point is when she saw Him, Jesus, she asked, and was healed.

This is what we must do. As it says in John 14:13-14 and in Matthew 7:7-8, we are to ask and we will receive. But if we ask with any doubt we show lack of faith and are double minded, as stated in James 1:6-8.

God will heal each and every one of us no matter the affliction or health problem. It may not be straight away but it will happen. Some of us may have to wait longer than others. Some may be healed almost immediately like I was. Some may have to wait until their resurrection. It is God's will. Whatever His decision is, we know it will be right as God does not make mistakes. He is perfect. I would encourage anyone to keep on with your prayers and continue to ask for anointing. If this means asking every Sabbath until you are healed, perhaps this is what God may be testing you on...Persistence.