Beautiful Attitudes




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Luke 19:10

Zacchaeus Up In A Tree

Several years ago I wrote a short piece about a man named Zacchaeus which prompted me to revisit it once this new article was complete, and to possibly tackle the account from a different angle, hence this writing.  Here is the link,, from where I was in my conversion at the time.  Recently, while reading the book of Luke, the account made a strong impression upon me again, and this time it gave me even more to reflect upon almost as if I was one of those in the crowd lining the streets of Jericho that day waiting for Jesus to pass by.  Imagining myself as a child my eyes craned upwards at a fully grown man sitting on a tree limb, swinging his short legs due to eager excitement much like a child would, hence the recognition.  Zacchaeus, what are you doing sitting so high up there in a Sycamore tree?  You better come down before you fall and injure yourself, I thought to myself but was too shy to say this out loud.  But Zacchaeus knew what he was doing while full of anticipation to get a good look, or if he had to, perhaps settle for a fleeting glimpse of this man called Jesus Christ.  Luke 19:1-10 has been written for us to consider the account of a wealthy tax collector, a man little in height, or as we might say in modern parlance "vertically challenged", a sinner and thief in the eyes of all those around who despised him, except for the children who naturally saw the best in others as they were trusting.  Were we like Zacchaeus before Christ entered our life?  Were we treated with prejudice or unfairly by family, colleagues, neighbours, employers, and acquaintances even though they thought they were justified, judging by appearances, without truly knowing us?
This is the incredible biblical account of Zacchaeus.  Did his family shorten his name to Zacc have you ever wondered?  Perhaps the reader will allow some poetic license here by alternating the use of Zacc and Zacchaeus so the text is not quite so repetitive.  How wonderful that not only did this man get to see his Saviour, but Jesus actually spoke to him directly, and then without delay promptly invited Himself to come into Zacc's home and life.  Imagine that!  The crowds along those streets in Jericho that day all wanted a piece of Christ, time with Him, and the honour of having Him spend time with them, but Jesus chose Zacchaeus and He did this right in front of everyone present for it was not hidden.  This extension of love was seen by all so that there could be no mistake, no charge of making up lies or accusations against this tax collector named Zacchaeus.  Zacc must have thought he was living the best dream he could ever experience for he "jumped" at this opportunity — Christ did not have to ask twice.  He was ready to welcome Jesus with open arms and great joy into his home, into his heart, and into every corner of his life.  Zacchaeus was ready for change and desired transformation and His Saviour knew it!
Think back to when Christ first entered your mind, heart, and life.  Mine was unmistakably breathtaking.  Nobody around to witness any of it though — just plain old me one afternoon at home shortly before leaving to go to work that day for the evening shift.  It was like any other Tuesday when going to the letterbox to collect the mail.  A free booklet had arrived about whether the devil was real and I thought this sounded most interesting having no idea that I would learn something about God instead, after the request was sent.  Link provided here:  While reading the first page I was transfixed to the spot standing there in my lounge room.  Turning the page I found myself overcome with emotion not quite understanding what was going on as my brain kept thinking "God is real…I know God is real…how do I suddenly know for 100% certainty that God is real?"  The thoughts kept coming…"Without any shadow of a doubt God is really real…He exists and has always existed…no more wondering if, perhaps, or maybe, because it is true".  Add to that my mind had definite knowledge that the Bible is also authentic and can be trusted.  Such were the overwhelmingly wonderful thoughts that permeated and seemed to saturate every fiber and cell of my being.  It was like nothing else ever experienced before, even better than bringing a baby into this world through childbirth (I thought this could never be topped) and so exciting many multiple times over.  Supernatural events such as being called out of the world are unmistakably profound to those of us (first generation Christians) who have experienced a major event like Saul of Tarsus who became the apostle Paul and went on to write many books through divine inspiration which we now have in the New Testament of our Bibles. 
Zacc also knew this excitement — an excitement of pure joy that lasts and only grows as our relationship matures and develops with God.  There is so much symbolism in the account of Zacchaeus to consider and unpack.  Like him, I thought I knew what I was doing when sending away for that booklet but the surprise was on me, and on Zacchaeus too.  It was unexpected but a most welcome one at that and life has never been the same since.  No matter whatever our outward appearance — short, tall, stout, scarred, bald, cute dimples or a face full of pimples — it's not what Jesus is focussed on, but rather what is going on deep inside where our heart beats and where our thoughts become our words, and our words progress into actions.  Once Jesus enters the door into our home and visits with us we are never the same again.  We begin the process of transformation by repentance for the forgiveness of a lifetime of sinful behaviours; we enter into a lifelong covenant when undergoing full water immersion through baptism and are cleansed completely.  Zacc was ready and eager like I was too and it didn't matter one iota at the time whether friends, neighbours, or even family members objected because all that mattered was acceptance by God in order to change because God chose us.
How many more will embrace this transformational change by accepting God's presence into their lives to be led by the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit, The Helper — His power residing within to direct the way, His Way along the narrow path until we arrive at The Kingdom of God where we will live forever, eternally, as sons and daughters of God…part of the God family.  Each and every calling by God is a unique, miraculous experience that should be treasured for the gift it is, extended by our Creator in order to know God our heavenly Father and His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ (John 6:44).  There is simply no other way to be called out of the world and life truly began for Zacchaeus that day and myself as memory tells me it was like "floating on air", everything made sense, finally receiving peace, each time sleep left me and consciousness began my whole being burst forth into song for the great joy that was stirred into action much like the heavenly hosts, the angels, I expect (Luke 15:10, Psalm 98, Psalm 148, Job 38:7, Psalm 150:6).  Imagine sharing our experiences with others as we get to meet the people in the Bible such as Zacchaeus and marvel at how Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omnibenevolent, and Omniscient our wonderful, awesome God is. 
Bringing to life on paper the man named Zacchaeus has been an interesting exercise even though we do not have many details about him, but we have enough to understand the process of what he went through as we can relate to the extreme joy of being called by God.  For me it was extreme and I often compare it to a light switch being turned on — darkness, symbolic of my life up until that precise moment, then all of a sudden there was beautifully clear and pure light because this is how the change manifested itself dramatically.  Zacchaeus must have looked at the world and the people around him with "different" eyes that day and thereafter because I know I did.  God definitely and completely gained my attention so that there could be no mistake on my part about whether He wanted me to change or not and Zacc would say the same thing — there was no mistake that day up in the tree.  God never makes mistakes.  We just need to develop perfect trust, faith and love in His methods and grow in our understanding that we now have part of His power dwelling within and single mindedly give heed by focussed listening to His Spirit, allowing all our thoughts, words and actions to be led by The Helper in order to affect great change that is necessary as part of our preparation in transformation for the Kingdom of God.  We have God's power within and we must never take this for granted — instead we can be humbly emboldened to draw from His power because of our unwavering faith Mark 11:22-23 and Matthew 17:20.  May we all be greatly blessed by growing faith from a tiny little speck of a mustard seed into where it blossoms and blooms into full maturity of stature and resembles our older brother Christ Jesus which pleases our Father.

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