Beautiful Attitudes




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Fishers Of Men


Throughout 2021-2022 the name Zebedee has surfaced several times while listening to various sermons.  It is an interesting name about which we do not hear much in our local community, or even at large.  During my life I have never met a person named Zebedee, however there have been only two instances where this name has appeared -- from reading the Bible and from an Australian 1960s children's TV show called "The Magic Roundabout" in which Zebedee's curious character was loosely based on a Jack-in-the-box, and he happily bounced around on a metal spring.  If you would like to take a look at this children's short animation here is a link to click on:  It was one of a few television shows that left an impression on me and I remember liking the sound of the odd and unfamiliar name of Zebedee.   However I must state that magic has absolutely no place in my life since 2006 as God has shown in His Word that all matters pertaining to magic are associated with the dark side along with sorcerers of which Christians are not supposed to have anything to do with.
What is in the meaning of a name such as Zebedee?  According to Encyclopedia of the Bible "ZEBEDEE zĕb’ ə dē (Ζεβεδαῖος, G2411, the meaning is uncertain, although it has been suggested that the name is derived from the Heb. זְבַדְיָ֖ה, “gift of Yahweh”; LXX, Ζαβδί).  Zebedee, a Galilean fisherman, husband of Salome, father of the Apostles James and John (Matthew 4:21; 10:2), perhaps resided in Bethsaida or Capernaum.  Zebedee appears in all four gospels as the father of two of Jesus’ most prominent disciples, James and John, who with Peter stood at the center of the twelve.  The three were privileged to witness the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8), and the raising of Jairus’ daughter:  'He permitted no one to enter with him, except Peter and John and James' (Luke 8:51), and the private sorrow in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:37).  Zebedee, therefore, became known not because of his deeds (at least, none are recorded), but because he was the father of two famous sons who were among the Lord’s twelve Apostles, one of whom wrote the beloved gospel according to John.  Zebedee and his two sons operated a thriving fishing business on the Sea of Galilee in partnership with another set of renowned brothers, Andrew and Peter (Luke 5:7-10).  It must have been one of the larger public establishments of Capernaum because there were hired men (Mark 1:20).  No doubt Zebedee was a man of means and influence, so much so that some believe he marketed some of his choice produce among the elite in Jerusalem (John 18:16).  The fishing business was radically changed the day that the call came to the two brothers. The picture we have from the gospels portrays Zebedee in a boat with his two sons and hired men, mending their nets on the shore of the Sea of Galilee when Jesus came by.  'And...saw...James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in a boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and called them.  Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed him' (Matthew 4:21, 22;  Mark 1:19, 20).  Although it must have affected the fishing business somewhat, there is no record that he protested their forsaking a profitable business which one day would be theirs. On the contrary, there is reason to believe he continued the business because after Christ's resurrection Peter said: 'I am going fishing' (John 21:3).  It is possible that the business furnished much financial support for Jesus and His disciples during the years of our Lord’s ministry in addition to feeding them with beautifully fresh fish.
Zebedee’s wife was Salome (Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40; 16:1) who also basked in the light of her sons because she is always designated as 'the mother of the sons of Zebedee' (Matthew 27:56).  The whole family must have been avid supporters of Christ because Salome accompanied Jesus during His ministry in Galilee to serve Him (Mark 15:40).  She was later present at the crucifixion (Matthew 27:55), and was among the women who went to the tomb to anoint the Lord (Mark 16:1).  Yet she and her sons revealed private ambitions when she asked the Master for special favours for her two sons in the kingdom:  'Command that these two sons of mine may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom' (Matthew 20:20; Mark 10:35).  The Lord’s response and patient teaching brought spiritual understanding because the entire family of Zebedee remained loyal to the end".  This concludes the excerpt from the Encyclopedia of the Bible.
In the Bible Zebedee is known to us as a fisherman with two sons named James and John, also fishermen, "following in their father's footsteps" before being invited by Jesus Christ to follow Him as apostles.  There is not much written about Zebedee at all and I imagine him to be a hard worker, providing well for his family, married to a faithful follower of Christ who enjoyed a quiet, simple life until his sons left his family fishing business to become Christ's disciples.  There is an article from a reliable source located on the internet highlighting a few facts about Zebedee:
So many interesting names in our Bible to meditate upon but there is only so far we can venture especially when we have not much to go by.  Zebedee will remain mostly a mystery to us until the time when we meet him.  The question in my mind is about whether the reference to his sons being likened to thunder (Mark 3:17) -- the sons of thunder -- boanerges -- has anything to do with Zebedee's character, or whether this name relates to loudness of voice, or both.  So much to quietly meditate upon until then when we will know just what is what, and who is who.  The puzzle is a big one with the added challenge of not trying to put a face to a name as that is not  the right thing to do, but it is somewhat tempting nonetheless to make the person more life-like and relatable.  Questions for Zebedee from myself may include things such as 'Did the local people treat you and your wife any differently once your sons became apostles and full time followers of Christ?'  'How many varieties of fish were there in the Sea of Galilee?'  'What was your favourite fish to catch, to eat, to sell?'  Lots of questions about fish and fishing to be sure — then it would be nice to share my fishing experiences and the love I have for King George Whiting and Garfish from the local seas south and south west of Adelaide which began with my paternal Grandfather Fred (Frederick Ernest Baum) back in the 1960s.  Due to sea-sickness I no longer actively engage in fishing, however I have learned to become a fisher of men and women, according to scripture from Matthew 4:19, Luke 5:10, and Mark 1:17.  Those of us who practice this type of fishing realise that it is very exciting as we never know when somebody will ask us about our life and our calling because we follow Christ or seem different to others.  So let us not waste any time floundering around, but let us eagerly cast our proverbial nets as widely as we can always following Jesus Christ's lead as Zebedee's family did around 2,000 years ago.

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